Inter-Research > CR > v81 > p55-70  
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CR 81:55-70 (2020)  -  DOI:

Accuracy analysis of IMERG and CMORPH precipitation data over North China

Lingling Shen1,*, Runsheng Lin1, Li Lu1, Chong Xu2, Yu Liu3

1Beijing Meteorological Information Center, Beijing Meteorological Service, Beijing 100089, PR China
2The Institute of Crustal Dynamics, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing 100029, PR China
3Esri China Information Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing 100028, PR China
*Corresponding author:

ABSTRACT: Large-scale agricultural production in North China makes the study of precipitation in this area vital. The performance of the Integrated Merged Multisatellite Retrievals for the Global Precipitation Measurement (IMERG) and the Climate Prediction Center morphing technique (CMORPH) precipitation products for 2015 was evaluated against daily precipitation data from 404 rain gauges in North China. Relative errors, correlation coefficients, Pearson’s chi-squared test values, and root mean square errors, as well as the probability of detection (POD), false alarm ratio, and critical success index, were used to analyze the accuracy of both IMERG and CMORPH precipitation products on daily, monthly, and seasonal timescales. The probability density function (PDF) was also considered. Overall, both products overestimated ground precipitation, especially in summer. Positive correlation coefficients between satellite-derived and rain-gauge monthly precipitation data were higher over plains and coastal areas, compared with plateau regions. The PODs of both IMERG and CMORPH data were highest in summer. The PODs of IMERG data were much higher than for CMORPH data in autumn. The PODs over coastal regions, plains, and plateaus at lower latitudes also were considerably better than over inland and plateau areas at higher latitudes. The precipitation products performed best over coastal areas, plains, and areas with high rainfall. Both CMORPH and IMERG products were prone to identifying non-rainy days as rainy days. They also overestimated light (0.1-9.9 mm d-1) and moderate (10-24.9 mm d-1) precipitation events, although the IMERG product was more sensitive to precipitation. Accordingly, we find that both of these satellite-derived precipitation products require further modification to enable them to substitute for gauge precipitation data in North China.

KEY WORDS: IMERG · CMORPH · North China · Precipitation · Rain gauge data · Probability of detection

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Cite this article as: Shen L, Lin R, Lu L, Xu C, Liu Y (2020) Accuracy analysis of IMERG and CMORPH precipitation data over North China. Clim Res 81:55-70.

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