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Climate Research

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CR - Vol. 89 - Table of contents

CR - Vol. 89 - Table of contents

Clim Res (Print ISSN: 0936-577X; Online ISSN: 1616-1572)
Copyright © 2022 Inter-Research.
Abstracts are available to all users. Full article .pdfs are available to subscribers only.
Articles marked by are freely available to all users.
Dixit A, Sahany S, Rajagopalan B, Choubey S
Role of changing land use and land cover (LULC) on the 2018 megafloods over Kerala, India
CR 89:1-14 | Full text in pdf format

Bedeke SB
When crop producers face dynamic climate risks in Ethiopia: exploring determinants behind choices of adaptation strategies
CR 89:15-28 | Full text in pdf format

Ghasemi MM, Zarei AR, Mokarram M
A new version of the reconnaissance drought index, N-RDI
CR 89:29-39 | Full text in pdf format

Davis CJ, Hanna EG, Kokic P
Influence of weather and climate on disease in the Australian Imperial Force during the First World War
CR 89:41-60 | Full text in pdf format

Rivera ER, Amador JA, Sáenz F
Sensitivity of precipitation and atmospheric low-level circulation patterns to domain size and choice of parameterization schemes in RegCM4.4 over Central America
CR 89:61-83 | Full text in pdf format

Iizumi T, Tsubo M, Maruyama A, Tahir ISA, Kurosaki Y, Tsujimoto H
High-temperature indicators for capturing the impacts of heat stress on yield: lessons learned from irrigated wheat in the hot and dry environment of Sudan
CR 89:85-98 | Full text in pdf format

Liang L
Climate calibration of the Spring Index model for more accurate broad-scale first leaf predictions
CR 89:99-112 | Full text in pdf format

Ahmad S, Ahmad I, Ahmad B, Ahmad A, Wajid A, Khaliq T, Abbas G, Wilkerson CJ, Hoogenboom G
Regional integrated assessment of climate change impact on cotton production in a semi-arid environment
CR 89:113-132 | Full text in pdf format