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CR - Vol. 90 - Table of contents

CR - Vol. 90 - Table of contents

Clim Res (Online ISSN: 1616-1572)
Copyright © 2023 Inter-Research.
Abstracts are available to all users. Full article .pdfs are available to subscribers only.
Articles marked by are freely available to all users.
Xu Y, Li T, Xu M, Shen S, Hu Z
Evaluation of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation from 1901 to 2014 in CMIP6 models
CR 90:1-15 | Full text in pdf format

Wu X, Jiang D, Zhang F
Increasing impact of compound agricultural drought and hot events on maize yield in China
CR 90:17-29 | Full text in pdf format

Ren G, Zhan Y, Ren Y, Wen K, Zhang Y, Sun X, Zhang P, Zheng X, Qin Y, Zhang S, He J
Observed changes in temperature and precipitation over Asia, 1901-2020
CR 90:31-43 | Full text in pdf format
CR Special 36: 'Observed changes in climate over Asia'

Mirzaei A, Najafabadi MM, Abdeshahi A
Investigating the factors driving the adoption of a combination of water- and nutrient-smart and soil fertility-smart agricultural practices
CR 90:45-58 | Full text in pdf format

Zhang S, Ren G, Zhan Y, Zhang C, Ren Y
Extreme precipitation changes over the Yangtze River Basin in 1901-2020
CR 90:59-76 | Full text in pdf format
CR Special 36: 'Observed changes in climate over Asia'

Wang P, Song C, Liu Y, Yang G, Wang J, Duan C, Ding Y
Decade-to-decade variations in summer precipitation patterns in eastern China since the 1960s: roles of water vapor transport and sea surface temperature
CR 90:77-94 | Full text in pdf format
CR Special 36: 'Observed changes in climate over Asia'

Wen K, Ren G, Ren Y, Cao L, Qin Y, Zhang P, He J, Xue X, Sun X
Long-term changes in surface air temperature over the Chinese mainland during 1901-2020
CR 90:95-115 | Full text in pdf format
CR Special 36: 'Observed changes in climate over Asia'