Inter-Research > DAO > v100 > n2 > p113-124  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO 100:113-124 (2012)  -  DOI:

Physiological and immunological characterization of Caribbean spiny lobsters Panulirus argus naturally infected with Panulirus argus Virus 1 (PaV1)

Cristina Pascual Jiménez1,*, Juan Pablo Huchin-Mian2, Nuno Simões1, Patricia Briones-Fourzán3, Enrique Lozano-Álvarez3, Ariadna Sánchez Arteaga1, Juan Antonio Pérez-Vega2, Raúl Simá-Álvarez2, Carlos Rosas Vazquez1, Rossanna Rodríguez-Canul2

1Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Ciencias, Unidad Académica Sisal, Puerto de Abrigo Sisal S/N. Yucatán 97355, Mexico
2Laboratorio de Inmunología y Biología Molecular. Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Unidad Mérida, Km. 6 Antigua Carretera a Progreso, CORDEMEX, Mérida, Yucatán 97310, Mexico
3Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, Unidad Académica de Sistemas Arrecifales Puerto Morelos. Prol. Av. Niños Héroes s/n, domicilio conocido, Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo 77580, Mexico

ABSTRACT: The present study compares 13 physiological and immunological variables between a group of healthy Panulirus argus lobsters and a group of lobsters naturally infected with Panulirus argus Virus 1 (PaV1). Viral infection was determined through histopathology and PCR. Ten of the 13 variables differed significantly between the 2 groups. Using these variables, a principal component analysis yielded 2 separate clusters: one corresponding to the healthy group and the other corresponding to the infected group. In particular, infected lobsters exhibited significantly lower levels of osmotic pressure, total hemocyte counts, plasmatic proteins, and total phenoloxidase (PO) activity in plasma, as well as significantly higher levels of cholesterol and acylglycerides. These features are consistent with metabolic wasting, hyperlipidemia, and presumed immune suppression. Infection with PaV1 appears to increase the susceptibility of lobsters to some other opportunistic pathogens, as 61.1% of infected lobsters presented infestations of ciliate epibionts (Epystilis and Zoothamniun) in the gill chamber compared with 11.5% lobsters in the healthy group. Infected lobsters also showed significantly higher levels of total PO activity in degranulated hemocytes and trypsin inhibitor activity, potentially indicating activation of immune response by the PO system during the systemic infection with PaV1.

KEY WORDS: Phenoloxidase · Hemocyte · Panulirus argus · Immunology · Hemolymph component

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Cite this article as: Pascual Jiménez C, Huchin-Mian JP, Simões N, Briones-Fourzán P and others (2012) Physiological and immunological characterization of Caribbean spiny lobsters Panulirus argus naturally infected with Panulirus argus Virus 1 (PaV1). Dis Aquat Org 100:113-124.

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