Inter-Research > DAO > v100 > n2 > p149-158  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO 100:149-158 (2012)  -  DOI:

Epizootic shell disease in American lobsters Homarus americanus in southern New England: past, present and future

Kathleen M. Castro1,*, J. Stanley Cobb1, Marta Gomez-Chiarri1, Michael Tlusty2

1University of Rhode Island, Department of Fisheries, Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Kingston, Rhode Island 02881, USA
2New England Aquarium, Boston, Massachusetts 02110, USA

ABSTRACT: The emergence of epizootic shell disease in American lobsters Homarus americanus in the southern New England area, USA, has presented many new challenges to understanding the interface between disease and fisheries management. This paper examines past knowledge of shell disease, supplements this with the new knowledge generated through a special New England Lobster Shell Disease Initiative completed in 2011, and suggests how epidemiological tools can be used to elucidate the interactions between fisheries management and disease.

KEY WORDS: Epizootic shell disease · Lobster · Epidemiology

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Cite this article as: Castro KM, Cobb JS, Gomez-Chiarri M, Tlusty M (2012) Epizootic shell disease in American lobsters Homarus americanus in southern New England: past, present and future. Dis Aquat Org 100:149-158.

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