Inter-Research > DAO > v106 > n1 > p79-84  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO 106:79-84 (2013)  -  DOI:

Biliary cirrhosis caused by Campula spp. in a dolphin and four porpoises

J. R. Jaber1,*, J. Pérez2, D. Rotstein3, R. Zafra1, P. Herráez1, C. Carrascosa1, A. Fernández

1Institute of Animal Health, Veterinary Faculty, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Trasmontaña s/n 35416 Arucas (Gran Canaria), Spain
2Department of Comparative Pathology, Veterinary Faculty, University of Córdoba, Edificio de Sanidad Animal, Campus de Rabanales, 14014 Córdoba, Spain
3Private Consulting Pathologist, College Park, Maryland 20740, USA

ABSTRACT: Biliary cirrhosis produced by Campula spp. is described in 1 striped dolphin Stenella coeruleoalba and 4 harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena. The hepatic lesions consisted of severe proliferation of fibrous connective tissue with loss of the lobular pattern, nodular regeneration of the hepatic tissue, bile duct hyperplasia and severe inflammatory infiltrate composed of eosinophils, macrophages, lymphocytes and plasma cells. These lesions were associated with severe infestation by Campula spp. Although inflammatory and degenerative hepatic lesions are frequently found in stranded dolphins, biliary cirrhosis has not been previously reported in cetaceans. Massive infestation by these parasites should be included as a cause of hepatic failure resulting in stranding of marine mammals.

KEY WORDS: Cetacean · Stenella coeruleoalba · Phocoena phocoena · Hepatic lesions · Biliary cirrhosis · Trematode

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Cite this article as: Jaber JR, Pérez J, Rotstein D, Zafra R, Herráez P, Carrascosa C, Fernández A (2013) Biliary cirrhosis caused by Campula spp. in a dolphin and four porpoises. Dis Aquat Org 106:79-84.

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