Inter-Research > DAO > v109 > n2 > p155-163  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO 109:155-163 (2014)  -  DOI:

Praziquantel form, dietary application method and dietary inclusion level affect palatability and efficacy against monogenean parasites in yellowtail kingfish

G. J. Partridge1,2,*, R. J. Michael1, L. Thuillier1

1Australian Centre for Applied Aquaculture Research, Challenger Institute of Technology, Fremantle, Western Australia 6160, Australia
2Fish Health Unit, School of Life Sciences, Murdoch University, Murdoch, Western Australia 6150, Australia
*Corresponding author:

ABSTRACT: The bitterness of racemic praziquantel (PZQ) currently constrains its use as an in-feed treatment against monogenean flukes in finfish aquaculture. In an effort to increase the palatability of diets containing racemic PZQ for yellowtail kingfish, the palatability and efficacy of 2 forms of racemic PZQ (powder or powder within microcapsules) against natural infestations of skin and gill flukes were compared using 2 different dietary application methods (incorporated within the pellet mash prior to extrusion or surface-coated after extrusion) at active dietary inclusion levels of 8, 16 and 25 g kg-1 in large (3.5-4 kg) yellowtail kingfish. There was no clear benefit of incorporating PZQ into diets prior to extrusion. PZQ microcapsules improved the palatability of PZQ-containing diets but did not completely mask the bitter flavour. At the lowest active dietary inclusion level of 8 g kg-1, ingestion of the diet containing PZQ microcapsules was equal to the control and significantly better than that containing PZQ powder. At an inclusion level of 16 g kg-1, ingestion of the PZQ microcapsule diet was significantly better than that containing the same inclusion of PZQ powder but significantly lower than the control. Consumption of the diet containing 25 g kg-1 of PZQ microcapsules was poor. All fish consuming medicated feeds had a significant reduction in flukes relative to control fish; however, efficacy data and blood serum analysis suggested that diets containing PZQ microcapsules had lower bioavailability than those containing PZQ powder.

KEY WORDS: Praziquantel · In-feed · Medicated diets · Yellowtail kingfish · Monogenean · Fluke management · Anthelmintic

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Cite this article as: Partridge GJ, Michael RJ, Thuillier L (2014) Praziquantel form, dietary application method and dietary inclusion level affect palatability and efficacy against monogenean parasites in yellowtail kingfish. Dis Aquat Org 109:155-163.

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