Inter-Research > DAO > v112 > n2 > p113-119  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO 112:113-119 (2014)  -  DOI:

Simulated hatchery system to assess bacteriophage efficacy against Vibrio harveyi 

J. Raghu Patil1, Srividya Narayanamurthy Desai1, Panchali Roy1, Murali Durgaiah2, R. Sanjeev Saravanan3, Aradhana Vipra1,*

1Microbiology, 2In vivo, and 3Molecular Biology Team, Gangagen Biotechnologies Pvt. Ltd., No. 12, 5th Cross, Raghavendra layout, Opp. MEI Ltd., Tumkur Road, Yeshwantpur, Bangalore-560022, India
*Corresponding author:

ABSTRACT: Vibriosis caused by luminous Vibrio harveyi commonly contributes to poor survival in shrimp hatcheries and aquaculture ponds. Lytic bacteriophages pathogenic for V. harveyi are currently being investigated as an alternative to antibiotics to prevent vibriosis. Here, 8 bacteriophages were isolated from oysters and clams using V. harveyi strains as baiting hosts. Among these bacteriophages, 1 strain (VHP6b) identified as broadly pathogenic for 27 V. harveyi strains examined was further characterized by electron microscopy and genome sequence analysis. Phage VHP6b possessed a tail and morphology consistent with it being a member of the family Siphoviridae, and its genome and proteome were most closely related to the Vibrio phages SSP02 and MAR10. An integrase gene essential for lysogeny was not evident. The ability of bacteriophage VHP6b to protect shrimp postlarvae against vibriosis caused by V. harveyi strain VH6 was demonstrated in a model system designed to simulate typical hatchery conditions. Bacteriophage treatment improved survival of postlarvae by 40 to 60% under these conditions, so therapies based on this or other bacteriophages may be useful in shrimp hatcheries.

KEY WORDS: Vibriosis · Shrimp hatchery · Bacteriophages · Simulated hatchery model · Phage efficacy

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Cite this article as: Raghu Patil J, Desai SN, Roy P, Durgaiah M, Saravanan RS, Vipra A (2014) Simulated hatchery system to assess bacteriophage efficacy against Vibrio harveyi . Dis Aquat Org 112:113-119.

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