Inter-Research > DAO > v117 > n2 > p145-153  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO 117:145-153 (2015)  -  DOI:

White spot disease risk factors associated with shrimp farming practices and geographical location in Chanthaburi province, Thailand

Patharapol Piamsomboon, Chaidate Inchaisri, Janenuj Wongtavatchai*

Department of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Chulalongkorn University, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330, Thailand
*Corresponding author:

ABSTRACT: Over the past 2 decades, shrimp aquaculture in Thailand has been impacted by white spot disease (WSD) caused by white spot syndrome virus (WSSV). Described here are results of a survey of 157 intensive shrimp farms in Chanthaburi province, Thailand, to identify potential farm management and location risk factors associated with the occurrence of WSD outbreaks. Logistic regression analysis of the survey responses identified WSD risks to be associated with farms sharing inlet water and culturing shrimp year round and with a single owner operating more than 1 farm. The analysis also showed WSD risks to be reduced at farms that used probiotics and applied lime to pond bottoms when fallow to neutralize acidity and kill microorganisms. Regression modeling identified no association of geographical location with WSD. The data should assist shrimp farms in mitigating the effects of WSD in Thailand.

KEY WORDS: Epidemiology · Risk factors · Shrimp farming · Thailand · White spot disease · WSSV · Pacific white shrimp · Litopenaeus vannamei

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Cite this article as: Piamsomboon P, Inchaisri C, Wongtavatchai J (2015) White spot disease risk factors associated with shrimp farming practices and geographical location in Chanthaburi province, Thailand. Dis Aquat Org 117:145-153.

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