Inter-Research > DAO > v118 > n3 > p207-215  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO 118:207-215 (2016)  -  DOI:

Morphology, histology and phylogeny of Henneguya sinova sp. nov. (Myxobolidae: Myxozoa) infecting gills of Parablennius tentacularis in the Black Sea, Turkey

A. Özer1,*, H. Özkan1, C. T. Gürkanlı2, V. Yurakhno3, Y. Çiftçi

1Sinop University, Faculty of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 57000 Sinop, Turkey
2Ordu University, Faculty of Marine Sciences, Fatsa, 52400 Ordu, Turkey
3The A. O. Kovalevsky Institute of Marine Biological Research of RAS, 2 Nakhimov Ave., Sevastopol 299011, Crimea, Russia
*Corresponding author:

ABSTRACT: Myxosporeans of the genus Henneguya have a global distribution and infect organs and tissues of both marine and freshwater fishes. Here we describe the morphological, histological and molecular characteristics of Henneguya sinova sp. nov. parasitizing the gill arches of tentacled blenny Parablennius tentacularis (Perciformes: Blenniidae) collected from the coast of Sinop on the Black Sea in Turkey. Several oval whitish plasmodia of different sizes in the gill arches of fish were found. The mature spores were rounded oval in frontal view, with a mean (range) total length 57.5 (51.5-68.0) µm; the spore body was 11.7 (11.3-12.0) µm in length by 7.6 (7.3-8.3) µm in width and 6.7 (6.6-6.8) µm in thickness. The caudal appendages, measuring 46.0 (40.0-55.0) µm in length, were very thin at the tapered end. The prevalence of infection by H. sinova sp. nov. was 35.5%. Phylogenetic analysis of nuclear small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) clearly suggested H. sinova as a new species which is clustered within the marine Henneguya lineage. Pairwise nucleotide similarities and DNA distance values of SSU rDNA between H. sinova sp. nov. and other related Henneguya species also supported this suggestion.

KEY WORDS: Parablennius tentacularis · Tentacled blenny · Henneguya sinova · Black Sea · Turkey

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Cite this article as: Özer A, Özkan H, Gürkanlı CT, Yurakhno V, Çiftçi Y (2016) Morphology, histology and phylogeny of Henneguya sinova sp. nov. (Myxobolidae: Myxozoa) infecting gills of Parablennius tentacularis in the Black Sea, Turkey. Dis Aquat Org 118:207-215.

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