Inter-Research > DAO > v123 > n2 > p141-157  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO 123:141-157 (2017)  -  DOI:

Anisakis (Nematoda: Ascaridoidea) from Indonesia

H. W. Palm1,2,*, S. Theisen1,*,**, I. M. Damriyasa2, E. S. Kusmintarsih3, I. B. M. Oka2, E. A. Setyowati3, N. A. Suratma2, S. Wibowo4, S. Kleinertz1

1Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Rostock, Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 6, 18059 Rostock, Germany
2Centre for Studies in Animal Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University Bali, 80363 Badung Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
3Institute of Parasitology and Entomology, Faculty of Biology, Jenderal Soedirman University, 53122 Purwokerto, Java, Indonesia
4Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Research and Development Centre for Marine and Fisheries Product Processing and Biotechnology, 10260 Jakarta, Java, Indonesia
*Authors contributed equally
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ABSTRACT: Despite Indonesia's high marine biodiversity, there is a lack of information regarding fish parasites in Indonesian waters. During a sampling of 136 teleost species from Indonesian waters, 22 of them were infected with larvae of Anisakis Dujardin, 1845, a genus with zoonotic potential. We genetically identified 118 worms, provide a revision of all available sequences of the ITS-1–5.8S–ITS-2 marker from Indonesian Anisakis in GenBank (n = 125), and establish 16 new host records. So far, 53 Indonesian teleosts harbour Anisakis spp., 32 of them with known sequence data, increasing the worldwide teleosts with genetically identified Anisakis from 155 to 177. Sequence analyses of this marker in the 243 Anisakis specimens identified 3 Anisakis sp. HC-2005 and 39 (16%) A. typica (sensu stricto). A. berlandi and A. pegreffii are reported for the first time from teleosts in the equatorial region and A. physeteris from the Pacific Ocean. The latter 3 species were exclusively found in the migratory scombrid Auxis rochei. Most common infection sites were the body cavity, with 299 (of 848) worms in the mesenteries surrounding the liver, and 129 unattached. Musculature infection was very low, demonstrating minor risk of anisakiasis for human consumers. A total of 193 worms (~79%) had a distinct genotype distinguished from A. typica by 4 positions in the ITS-1 region. This genotype is reported since 2008 as ‘A. typica’, ‘sibling’, ‘Anisakis sp./type 1’, ‘sp. I’, ‘sp. 2’ or ‘sp. II’. To avoid further misleading identification, we hereby apply the subspecific entity Anisakis typica var. indonesiensis until description of the adults becomes available.

KEY WORDS: Molecular genotyping · Anisakis typica (s.s.) · A. berlandi · A. pegreffii · A. physeteris · A. typica var. indonesiensis · Anisakiasis

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Cite this article as: Palm HW, Theisen S, Damriyasa IM, Kusmintarsih ES and others (2017) Anisakis (Nematoda: Ascaridoidea) from Indonesia. Dis Aquat Org 123:141-157.

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