Inter-Research > DAO > v130 > n3 > p199-207  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO 130:199-207 (2018)  -  DOI:

Parvicapsula curvatura n. sp. in cultured olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus and phylogenetic characteristics of the genus Parvicapsula

Sang Phil Shin1,2, Chang Nam Jin1,2, Han Chang Sohn1,2, Jehee Lee1,2,*

1Department of Marine Life Science, Jeju National University, Jeju Self-Governing Province 63243, ROK
2Fish Vaccine Research Center, Jeju National University, Jeju Self-Governing Province 63243, ROK
*Corresponding author:

ABSTRACT: Parvicapsula curvatura n. sp. (Myxozoa; Bivalvulida) was found in the urinary bladder of olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus cultured in a fish farm on Jeju Island, ROK. When laterally viewed, the parasite has asymmetrical curved spores that measure 9.6-11.6 µm in length. Furthermore, it has 2 subspherical polar capsules at the apex. Based on the phenotypical traits, it is most similar to P. limandae but differs in the shape of polar capsule, locality, and host specificity (family level). BLAST analysis indicated that P. curvatura was closest to P. unicornis and P. petuniae via 18S and 28S rDNA sequences, respectively. The 18S rDNA from P. curvatura was used in molecular phylogenetic analyses of Parvicapsula spp. to examine the congruence of phylogeny with spore morphology, locality, and host specificity. The results demonstrated that the spore morphotype was correlated with the phylogeny of the genus Parvicapsula, and the parasites have speciated into an oblong and semicircular spore type.

KEY WORDS: Parvicapsula curvatura · Spore morphology · Locality · Host specificity

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Cite this article as: Shin SP, Nam Jin C, Chang Sohn H, Lee J (2018) Parvicapsula curvatura n. sp. in cultured olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus and phylogenetic characteristics of the genus Parvicapsula. Dis Aquat Org 130:199-207.

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