Inter-Research > DAO > v140 > p25-29  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO 140:25-29 (2020)  -  DOI:

Coadministration of citric acid allows oxytetracycline dose reduction in yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata infected with Vibrio anguillarum

Kousuke Akiyama1,*, Noritaka Hirazawa1, Akimasa Hatanaka2

1Marine Biological Technology Center, Nippon Suisan Kaisha, Ltd., 508-8 Ariakeura, Tsurumi, Saiki, Oita 876-1204, Japan
2Central Research Laboratory, Nippon Suisan Kaisha, Ltd., Tokyo Innovation Center, 32-3 Nanakuni 1 chome, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0906, Japan
*Corresponding author:

ABSTRACT: Oxytetracycline (OTC) has been commonly used as an effective antibiotic against various fish bacterial diseases, including vibriosis. In this study, the absorption-enhancing effect of citric acid on oral OTC pharmacokinetics and treatment of artificial Vibrio anguillarum infection was evaluated in juvenile yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata followed by serum OTC concentration analysis. When 25 mg kg-1 body weight (BW) OTC was administered in combination with 1250 mg kg-1 BW citric acid, the serum OTC concentration reached almost the same concentration as that of the group treated with 50 mg kg-1 BW OTC. This coadministration successfully suppressed mortality due to vibriosis similar to the group treated with 50 mg kg-1 BW OTC. Conversely, poor efficacy was observed when only 25 mg kg-1 BW OTC was administered. These results suggest that coadministration of citric acid can be beneficial in reducing the dose of OTC needed for effective treatment, and thus contributes to the goal of reduced use of this antibiotic in aquaculture.

KEY WORDS: Citrate · Organic acid · Absorption enhancer · Reducing antibiotics

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Cite this article as: Akiyama K, Hirazawa N, Hatanaka A (2020) Coadministration of citric acid allows oxytetracycline dose reduction in yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata infected with Vibrio anguillarum. Dis Aquat Org 140:25-29.

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