Inter-Research > DAO > v141 > p103-116  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO 141:103-116 (2020)  -  DOI:

Susceptibility of rainbow trout to three different genogroups of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus

Anna Maria Eriksson-Kallio1,*, Riikka Holopainen1, Perttu Koski2, Antti Nousiainen3, Heikki Koskinen3, Antti Kause4, Tuija Gadd5

1Veterinary Bacteriology and Pathology Unit, Finnish Food Authority, 00790 Helsinki, Finland
2Veterinary Bacteriology and Pathology Unit, Finnish Food Authority, 90590 Oulu, Finland
3Natural Resources Institute Finland, 70210 Kuopio, Finland
4Natural Resources Institute Finland, 31600 Jokioinen, Finland
5Virology Unit, Finnish Food Authority, 00790 Helsinki, Finland

ABSTRACT: Infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) is a globally distributed viral disease that is highly prevalent in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss farms in Finland. Seven genogroups (1-7) of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) exist, of which genogroup 5 (serotype Sp) is generally considered to be the most virulent in European salmonid farming. In Finland, 3 genogroups (2, 5 and 6) have been detected. Genogroup 2 is the most widespread and to date is the only genogroup associated with clinical disease in field observations. A bath challenge model infection trial was conducted to investigate the potential pathogenicity of the existing Finnish IPNV genogroups on IPNV-negative rainbow trout fry. Three Finnish IPNV isolates, a positive control (a Norwegian genogroup 5 isolate previously associated with high virulence in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar) and a negative control were used, and mortality was recorded daily for 8 wk. The Finnish IPNV genogroup 5 isolate caused the highest cumulative mortality, and the genogroup 2 isolate also caused elevated mortalities. The genogroup 6 isolate caused only low mortality, and the positive control treatment showed negligible mortality. Fish exposed to the Finnish genogroup 2 and 5 isolates had IPN-associated lesions, while no lesions were noted in the other treatment groups. These results indicate that Finnish IPNV genogroup 5 is potentially the most virulent IPNV genogroup for Finnish rainbow trout. Interestingly, the Norwegian IPNV genogroup 5 isolate caused only a subclinical IPN infection, providing further evidence for a host species-dependent, virus isolate-related difference in virulence in IPNV genogroup 5. The results also support the continuation of legislative disease control of IPNV genogroup 5 in Finnish inland waters.

KEY WORDS: Infectious pancreatic necrosis · IPNV · Rainbow trout · Infection trial · Genogroup 2 · Genogroup 5 · Genogroup 6

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Cite this article as: Eriksson-Kallio AM, Holopainen R, Koski P, Nousiainen A, Koskinen H, Kause A, Gadd T (2020) Susceptibility of rainbow trout to three different genogroups of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus. Dis Aquat Org 141:103-116.

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