Inter-Research > DAO > v146 > p145-156  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO 146:145-156 (2021)  -  DOI:

Spatial and cross-seasonal patterns of coral diseases in reefs of Taiwan: high prevalence and regional variation

Ching-Yun Huang1, Jiang-Shiou Hwang2,3,4, Hideyuki Yamashiro5, Sen-Lin Tang6,*

1Institute of Fisheries Science, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, Taiwan
2Institute of Marine Biology, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung 20224, Taiwan
3Center of Excellence for Ocean Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung 20224, Taiwan
4Center of Excellence for the Oceans, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung 20224, Taiwan
5Sesoko Station, Tropical Biosphere Research Center, University of the Ryukyus, Sesoko 3422, Motobu, Okinawa 905-0227, Japan
6Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica, Taipei 11529, Taiwan
*Corresponding author:

ABSTRACT: Although research on coral diseases is increasing worldwide, it remains limited in Taiwan. Taiwan is located at the Tropic of Cancer and contains both tropical and subtropical reefs. We conducted spatial and cross-seasonal surveys in Taiwan in 2018 and identified 7 types of disease and nondisease lesions and 6 potential factors influencing coral health. The overall mean prevalence of disease and nondisease lesions varied considerably across the reef regions, and host susceptibility differed among the coral taxa. The overall mean prevalence of disease and nondisease lesions was highest in Kenting (mean ± SEM: 8.58 ± 1.81%) and lowest on the Southern Islands (2.12 ± 0.73%). Although the prevalence of diseases did not differ significantly between the seasons, cyanobacteria-related diseases—including black band disease (BBD), BBD-like syndrome, and other cyanobacterial syndromes—were slightly more prevalent in autumn than in spring. Furthermore, 3 of the potential factors influencing coral health (i.e. turf algae, bioeroding sponges, and coral bleaching) were strong predictors of disease and nondisease lesion prevalence. These results advance our understanding of coral disease ecology in Taiwan and highlight the need for further research on the correlations between diseases, hosts, and environment.

KEY WORDS: Coral disease · Taiwan · Distribution pattern · Host susceptibility

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Cite this article as: Huang CY, Hwang JS, Yamashiro H, Tang SL (2021) Spatial and cross-seasonal patterns of coral diseases in reefs of Taiwan: high prevalence and regional variation. Dis Aquat Org 146:145-156.

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