Inter-Research > DAO > v150 > p37-51  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO 150:37-51 (2022)  -  DOI:

Development of a semi-quantitative scoring protocol for gill lesion assessment in greenlip abalone Haliotis laevigata held at elevated water temperature

R. L. Pedler1, J. O. Harris1,2,*, N. L. Thomson3, J. J. Buss1,4, D. A. J. Stone1,2,3,5, J. H. Handlinger6

1College of Science and Engineering, Flinders University, Bedford Park, 5042 South Australia, Australia
2Marine Innovation Southern Australia, West Beach, 5024 South Australia, Australia
3School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, The University of Adelaide, Roseworthy, 5371 South Australia, Australia
4Department of Primary Industries and Regions, Fisheries and Aquaculture, West Beach, 5024 South Australia, Australia
5South Australian Research and Development Institute, West Beach, 5024 South Australia, Australia
6Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Hobart, 7001 Tasmania Australia
*Corresponding author:

ABSTRACT: Water temperatures that exceed thermal optimal ranges (~19 to 22°C for greenlip abalone Haliotis laevigata, depending on stock genetics) can be associated with abalone mortalities. We assessed histopathological changes in H. laevigata gills held in control (22°C) or elevated (25°C) water temperature conditions for 47 d by developing a new scoring protocol that incorporates histopathological descriptions and relative score summary. Lesions were allocated to 1 of 3 reaction patterns, (1) epithelial, (2) circulatory or (3) inflammatory, and scored based on their prevalence in gill leaflets. Indices for each reaction pattern were calculated and combined to provide an overall gill index. H. laevigata held in 25°C water temperature had significantly more epithelial lifting and hemolymph channel enlargement and significantly higher gill and circulatory reaction pattern indices than H. laevigata held in 22°C water temperature. One H. laevigata had a proliferation of unidentified cells in the v-shaped skeletal rod of a gill leaflet. The unidentified cells contained enlarged nuclei, a greater nucleus:cytoplasm ratio and, in some cases, mitotic figures. This cell population could represent a region of hematopoiesis in response to hemocyte loss or migration to a lesion. Without thorough diagnostic testing, the origin of these larger cells cannot be confirmed. The new scoring protocol developed will allow the standard quantification of gill lesions for H. laevigata, specifically for heat-related conditions, and could further be adapted for other Haliotis spp.

KEY WORDS: Hemocytes · Abalone · Gill histopathology · Summer mortality · Scoring protocol

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Cite this article as: Pedler RL, Harris JO, Thomson NL, Buss JJ, Stone DAJ, Handlinger JH (2022) Development of a semi-quantitative scoring protocol for gill lesion assessment in greenlip abalone Haliotis laevigata held at elevated water temperature. Dis Aquat Org 150:37-51.

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