Inter-Research > DAO > v157 > p61-72  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO 157:61-72 (2024)  -  DOI:

Variation in Paramarteilia canceri infections in velvet crab Necora puber

Signe Martin1,*, Deborah Cheslett2, Evelyn Collins2, Simona Georgieva3,4, Ian O’ Connor5, Fiona Swords2, Katie O’ Dwyer1

1Marine and Freshwater Research Centre, Atlantic Technological University, Old Dublin Road, Galway H91 T8NW, Ireland
2Marine Institute, Rinville, Oranmore H91 R673, Ireland
3Department of Parasitology, School of Medicine, Chungbuk National University, 28644 Cheongju, South Korea
4Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2 Gagarin Street, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
5Natural Resources and the Environment, Atlantic Technological University, Old Dublin Road, Galway H91 T8NW, Ireland
*Corresponding author:

ABSTRACT: Sustainable management of crustacean populations requires an understanding of the range of factors affecting different crustacean species. Recently, a high prevalence of a paramyxid parasite, Paramarteilia canceri, was reported in velvet crabs Necora puber in Ireland. Similar parasites have been known to cause mass mortalities in bivalves and, as velvet crabs are an important commercial species, these parasite infections are cause for concern. The main objective of this study was to examine variation in P. canceri infections in relation to host biology and season over a 2 yr period. In addition, we tested a range of host tissues and organs to gain more information on the host-parasite interaction. The parasite was present in all tissues and organs investigated, including the gonad and eggs of a berried female. Parasite prevalence was highest in the cuticular epithelium and hepatopancreas. Both annual and seasonal variation was found in parasite prevalence and parasite load. No difference was found in parasite prevalence or parasite load with either crab size or crab sex. Granulomas as a response to infection were significantly more abundant in infected velvet crab individuals. The results of this study provide important information on the host-parasite interaction between P. canceri and the velvet crab and highlight the importance of including parasite monitoring in the management of crustacean fisheries.

KEY WORDS: Crustacea · Paramyxida · Histology · Season · ITS1

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Cite this article as: Martin S, Cheslett D, Collins E, Georgieva S, O' Connor I, Swords F, O' Dwyer K (2024) Variation in Paramarteilia canceri infections in velvet crab Necora puber. Dis Aquat Org 157:61-72.

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