Inter-Research > DAO > v158 > c_p179-184  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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Correction to DAO 158:179-184 (2024) - DOI:

Correction to DAO 158:179-184 (2024) - DOI:

Pathogenicity associated with an infestation of the marine leech parasite Pterobdella arugamensis in farmed fish

Beng Chu Kua*, Yoon Yau Leaw

*Corresponding author:

June 21, 2024:

  • In the Abstract, p-values for the 2-way and 1-way ANOVA were changed to p < 0.0001 and p < 0.001, respectively.
  • On p. 180, ‘e.g.’ was deleted from before the reference to Shah et al. (2020).
  • On p. 181, mortality rates were amended from 55, 55 and 78% to 56, 56 and 77%, to match Table 1; namely the following sentences were corrected:
  • ’The mortality rate increased to 55% for Asian seabass infested with 30 or 70 leeches after the same duration.’
  • ’Tiger grouper infested with 1 leech showed a mortality rate of 33%, whereas those infested with 10 leeches had a mortality rate of 55%.’
  • ’The mortality rate reached to 77% for tiger grouper infested with 30 or 70 leeches after the same duration.’
  • Furthermore, on p. 181 and 182, for standardization in whole manuscript, all '=' symbols for the p-values have been replaced with either '>' or '<'.
  • Finally, in Table 2 on p. 182, the last sentence referring to bold significantly different values was deleted from the legend and the bold text in the last column of the table made plain text.

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