Inter-Research > DAO > v159 > p159-169  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO 159:159-169 (2024)  -  DOI:

Relationship between nutritional condition and causes of death in beluga whales Delphinapterus leucas from the St. Lawrence estuary, Quebec, Canada

Sylvain Larrat1, Véronique Lesage2, Robert Michaud3, Stéphane Lair4,*

1Consultant in Wildlife Health Veterinarian, 920 Guernic, 56330 Pluvigner, France
2Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Mont-Joli, 850 Rte de la Mer, Mont-Joli, QC G5H 3Z4, Canada
3Groupe de recherche et d’éducation sur les mammifères marins, 108, de la Cale-Sèche, Tadoussac, QC G0T 2A0, Canada
4Centre québécois sur la santé des animaux sauvages / Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative, Faculté de médecine vétérinaire, Université de Montréal, St. Hyacinthe, QC J2S 7C6, Canada
*Corresponding author:

ABSTRACT: Carcasses of endangered beluga whales Delphinapterus leucas from the St. Lawrence Estuary, Canada, have been examined consistently since 1983 to determine causes of death. The objective of this study is to compare the nutritional condition of belugas that died of different causes. Previously published categories of death were refined to discriminate acute from chronic pathological processes. Bayesian linear models were used to predict cause of death from the scaled mass index (SMI). Causes of death were as follows: ‘bacterial diseases’, ‘verminous pneumonia’, ‘toxoplasmosis’, ‘other parasitic diseases’, ‘other infectious diseases’, ‘trauma—entrapment’, ‘other noninfectious diseases’, ‘dystocia—postpartum complications’, ‘neonatal mortality’, ‘cancer’, ‘primary starvation’ and ‘undetermined’. The models predicted a lower nutritional condition for the ‘neonatal mortality’ in belugas <290 cm in length and for ‘primary starvation’ and ‘verminous pneumonia’ categories for belugas ≥290 cm. Belugas that died from ‘dystocia—postpartum complications’ or from ‘undetermined causes’ had a higher-than-average SMI. Animals in the ‘trauma—entrapment’ category did not exhibit the highest nutritional condition, which was unexpected since individuals that died from trauma or entrapment are often used as references for optimal nutritional condition in other cetacean populations. Females that died from dystocia and postpartum complications were in similar nutritional condition as females dead from other causes during, or shortly after, pregnancy. This suggests that these females are not obese, ruling out a possible cause of dystocia. Although studying dead animals biases results toward low nutritional condition, our findings support the link between chronic pathological processes and poorer nutritional condition in belugas.

KEY WORDS: Beluga whale · Nutritional condition · Dystocia · Neonatal mortality · Verminous pneumonia · Neoplasia · Starvation

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Cite this article as: Larrat S, Lesage V, Michaud R, Lair S (2024) Relationship between nutritional condition and causes of death in beluga whales Delphinapterus leucas from the St. Lawrence estuary, Quebec, Canada. Dis Aquat Org 159:159-169.

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