Inter-Research > DAO > v160 > p1-5  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO 160:1-5 (2024)  -  DOI:

Effect of trematode infection on cardiac activity of marine gastropod Littorina littorea in situ and under laboratory conditions

Igor Bakhmet1,*, Kirill E. Nikolaev2, Alexei O. Smurov2, Ivan Levakin2, Dmitry Ekimov3

1Institute of Biology, Karelian Research Centre of the RAS, 186005 Petrozavodsk, Russia
2Zoological Institute, RAS, St. Petersburg 199034, Russia
3Department of Multidisciplinary Scientific Research, Karelian Research Centre of the RAS, 186005 Petrozavodsk, Russia
*Corresponding author:

ABSTRACT: Physiological mechanisms underlying relationships between the trematode parthenitae and their molluscan hosts are poorly understood. In this study, we estimated the cardiac function of gastropods Littorina littorea L. infected with Himasthla elongata and Cryptocotyle lingua under laboratory conditions and in situ. The heart rate (HR) of the infected periwinkles was significantly lower than in the uninfected ones. HR of uninfected periwinkles in the natural environment followed a clear tidal pattern, with high values at high tide and low values at low tide. However, HR in most of the infected molluscs did not follow this rhythm. The decrease in HR was more pronounced in the periwinkles infected with C. lingua than with H. elongata. Thus, infection with C. lingua had a greater effect on the physiology and metabolic rate of periwinkles than infection with H. elongata.

KEY WORDS: Heart rate · Himasthla elongata · Cryptocotyle lingua · Littorina littorea

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Cite this article as: Bakhmet I, Nikolaev KE, Smurov AO, Levakin I, Ekimov D (2024) Effect of trematode infection on cardiac activity of marine gastropod Littorina littorea in situ and under laboratory conditions. Dis Aquat Org 160:1-5.

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