Inter-Research > DAO > v160 > p35-46  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO 160:35-46 (2024)  -  DOI:

Population biology of crab Hapalogaster dentata parasitized by rhizocephalan Briarosaccus hoegi in the northwestern Sea of Japan

Olga M. Korn*, Darya D. Golubinskaya, Nikolai I. Selin, Alexander V. Kalachev

A.V. Zhirmunsky National Scientific Center of Marine Biology, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok 690041, Russia
*Corresponding author:

ABSTRACT: We studied the population and reproductive characteristics of the stone crab Hapalogaster dentata (De Haan, 1849) (Anomura: Lithodidae) parasitized by Briarosaccus hoegi (Rhizocephala: Peltogastridae) from Peter the Great Bay (northwestern Sea of Japan) in 2023. The sex structure of the H. dentata population was female-biased and represented by 39.1% males and 60.9% females. The size-frequency distribution differed between males and females. The prevalence of parasitization of H. dentata by B. hoegi reached 6.7%. No relationship between crab sex and parasitization prevalence was found. Most of the parasitized specimens (94.8%) had only a single parasitic externa. The non-parasitized and parasitized crabs did not differ in main carapace length. The pleopods in most of the externa-bearing females were shortened or completely atrophied. H. dentata produced 1 clutch per year with ovigerous females occurring from October to May. An obvious delay in embryonic development was observed in winter. None of the parasitized H. dentata females were ovigerous. Externae with embryos of B. hoegi were found from May to July.

KEY WORDS: Population characteristics · Parasitization · Rhizocephala · Morphological modifications · Reproductive cycle · Peter the Great Bay

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Cite this article as: Korn OM, Golubinskaya DD, Selin NI, Kalachev AV (2024) Population biology of crab Hapalogaster dentata parasitized by rhizocephalan Briarosaccus hoegi in the northwestern Sea of Japan. Dis Aquat Org 160:35-46.

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