Evelyn, T. P. T., Ketcheson, J. E., Prosperi-Porta, L.
Use of erythromycin as a means of preventing vertical transmission of Renibactehum salmoninarum
DAO 2:7-11 | Full text in pdf format
Landsberg, J. H., Paperna, I.
Ultrastructural study of the coccidian Cryptosporidium sp. from stomachs of juvenile cichlid fish
DAO 2:13-20 | Full text in pdf format
Saeed, M. O., Plumb, J. A.
Immune response of channel catfish to ipopolysaccharide and whole cell Edward-siella ictaluri vaccines
DAO 2:21-25 | Full text in pdf format
Michel, C, Faivre, B., Kerouault, B.
Biochemical identification of Lactobacillus piscicola strains from France and Belgium
DAO 2:27-30 | Full text in pdf format
Sparks, A. K., Morado, J. F.
Histopathology and host response in lithodid crabs parasitized by Briarosaccus callosus
DAO 2:31-38 | Full text in pdf format
Papathanassiou, E., King, P. E.
Ultrastructural changes in hepatopancreatic cells of the prawn Palaemon serratus induced by exposure to acutely toxic cadmium concentrations
DAO 2:39-47 | Full text in pdf format
Elston, R. A., Farley, C. A., Kent, M. L.
Occurence and significance of bonamiasis in European flat oysters Ostrea edulis in North America
DAO 2:49-54 | Full text in pdf format
Dinamani, P.
Potential disease-causing organisms associated with mantle cavity of Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas in northern New Zealand
DAO 2:55-63 | Full text in pdf format
Mohan, C. V., Gupta, T. R. C, Shetty, H. P. C, Menon, N. R.
Combined toxicity of mercury and cadmium to the tropical green mussel Perna viridis
DAO 2:65-72 | Full text in pdf format
Smith, A. W., Skilling, D. E., Barlough, J. E., Berry, E. S.
Distribution in the North Pacific Ocean, Bering Sea, and Arctic Ocean of animal populations known to carry pathogenic caliciviruses
DAO 2:73-80 | Full text in pdf format
Meier, W.
Enteric redmouth disease: outbreak in rainbow trout in Switzerland
DAO 2:81-82 | Full text in pdf format
Hutton, J., Blair, D., Slooten, E., Dawson, S. M.
Case studies of fluke-induced lesions in mesenteric lymph nodes of Hector's dolphins Cephalorhynchus hectori
DAO 2:83-86 | Full text in pdf format
Peters, N., Kohler, A., Kranz, H.
Liver pathology in fishes from the Lower Elbe as a consequence of pollution
DAO 2:87-97 | Full text in pdf format
Segner, H., Burkhardt, P., Avila, E. M., Juario, J. V., Storch, V.
Nutrition-related histopathology of the intestine of milkfish Chanos chanos fry
DAO 2:99-107 | Full text in pdf format
Dyková, I., Lorn, J., Grupcheva, G.
Pathogenicity and some structural features of Myxidium rhodei (Myxozoa: Myxosporea) from the kidney of the roach Rutilus rutilus
DAO 2:109-115 | Full text in pdf format
Køie, M.
Ultrastructural study of the host-parasite relationship, including encapsulation, of Buccinum undatum (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia) infected with daughter sporocysts of Zoogonoides viviparus (Trematoda, Zoogonidae)
DAO 2:117-125 | Full text in pdf format
Gnezdilova, S. M., Lipina, I. G., Khristoforova, N. K.
Morphological changes in the ovaries of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius exposed to cadmium
DAO 2:127-133 | Full text in pdf format
Coulon, P., Jangoux, M.
Gregarine species (Apicomplexa) parasitic in the burrowing echinoid Echinocardium cordatum: occurrence and host reaction
DAO 2:135-145 | Full text in pdf format
Jangoux, M.
Diseases of Echinodermata. I. Agents microorganisms and protistans
DAO 2:147-162 | Full text in pdf format
Ostland, V. E., Hicks, B. D, Daly, J. G.
Furuncufosis in baitfish and its transmission to salmonids
DAO 2:163-166 | Full text in pdf format
Thorburn, M. A., Carpenter, T. E., Ljungberg, O.
Effects of immersion in live Vibrio anguillarum and simultaneous oxytetracycline treatment on protection of vaccinated and non-vaccinated rainbow trout Salmo gaird-neri against vibriosis
DAO 2:167-171 | Full text in pdf format
Barton, B. A., Schreck, C. B., Barton, L. D.
Effects of chronic Cortisol administration and daily acute stress on growth, physiological conditions, and stress responses in juvenile rainbow trout
DAO 2:173-185 | Full text in pdf format
Molnár, K., Baska, F., Székely, C.
Fumagillin, an efficacious drug against renal sphaerosporosis of the common carp Cyprinus carpio
DAO 2:187-190 | Full text in pdf format
Ferguson, H. W., Hicks, B. D., Lynn, D. H., Ostland, V. E., Bailey, J.
Cranial ulceration in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar associated with Tetrahymena sp.
DAO 2:191-195 | Full text in pdf format
McVicar, A. H., Bucke, D., Watermann, B., Dethlefsen, V.
Gill x-cell lesions of dab Limanda limanda in the North Sea
DAO 2:197-204 | Full text in pdf format
Jangoux, M.
Diseases of Echinodermata. II. Agents metazoans (Mesozoa to Bryozoa)
DAO 2:205-234 | Full text in pdf format
McAllister, P. E., Owens, W. J., Ruppenthal, T. M.
Detection of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus in pelleted cell and particulate components from ovarian fluid of brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis
DAO 2:235-237 | Full text in pdf format
Paperna, I., Landsberg, J. H.
Tubular formations extending from para-sitophorous vacuoles in gut epithelial cells of cichlid fish infected by Eimeria (s.l.) vanasi
DAO 2:239-242 | Full text in pdf format