The arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to generate a DNA marker specific for the myxosporean parasite Ceratomyxa shasta. The [32P]-labeled marker hybridized to purified C. shasta DNA and to parasite DNA combined with salmonid DNA in a dot blot assay, demonstrating its potential as a diagnostic tool. The amplified DNA segment was cloned and sequenced, and primers specific for the marker were designed. When these primers were used in a standard PCR assay, DNA was amplified from C. shasta and from infected fish tissues, but not from uninfected fish tissues or from 2 other myxosporean parasites. The sensitivity of the PCR assay will permit detection of low levels of C. shasta from infected fish or oligochaetes and will be useful in defining the parasite's life cycle as well as examining its impact on salmonid populations.
Ceratomyxa shasta . Myxosporean . Arbitrarily primed PCR . DNA probe
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