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Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO - Vol. 25, No. 1-2 - Table of contents

DAO - Vol. 25, No. 1-2 - Table of contents

Dis Aquat Org (Print ISSN:0177-5103; Online ISSN:1616-1580)
Copyright © 1996 Inter-Research
Published May 09

All abstracts and full article pdfs in this issue are available to all users, compliments of Inter-Research.


Beamish FWH, Sitja-Bobadilla A, Jebbink JA, Woo PTK
Bioenergetic cost of cryptobiosis in fish:rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss infected with Cryptobia salmositica and with an attenuated live vaccine
DAO 25:1-8 | Full text in pdf format

Li S, Woo PTK
A Cryptobia salmositica (Kinetoplastida:Sarcomastigophora) species-specific DNA probe and its uses in salmonid cryptobiosis
DAO 25:9-14 | Full text in pdf format

Rahkonen R, Aalto J, Koski P, Särkkä J, Juntunen K
Cestode larvae Diphyllobothrium dendriticum as a cause of heart disease leading to mortality in hatchery-reared sea trout and brown trout
DAO 25:15-22 | Full text in pdf format

Akhlaghi M, Munday BL, Rough K, Whittington RJ
Immunological aspects of amoebic gill disease in salmonids
DAO 25:23-31 | Full text in pdf format

Margolis ML, Kent ML, Bustos P
Diseases of salmonids resembling myxosporean whirling disease, and the absence of Myxosoma cerebralis, in South America
DAO 25:33-37 | Full text in pdf format

Arnold H, Pluta HJ, Braunbeck T
Cytological alterations in the liver of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss after prolonged exposure to low concentrations of waterborne endosulfan
DAO 25:39-52 | Full text in pdf format

Evensen Ø, Lorenzen E
An immunohistochemical study of Flexibacter psychrophilus infection in experimentally and naturally infected rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fry
DAO 25:53-61 | Full text in pdf format

Balfry SK, Albright LJ, Evelyn TPT
Horizontal transfer of Renibacterium salmoninarum among farmed salmonids via the fecal-oral route
DAO 25:63-69 | Full text in pdf format

Wood PA, Kaattari SL
Enhanced immunogenicity of Renibacterium salmoninarum in chinook salmon after removal of the bacterial cell surface-associated 57 kDa protein
DAO 25:71-79 | Full text in pdf format

Yoshida T, Eshima T, Wada Y, Yamada Y, Kakizaki E, Sakai M, Kitao T, Inglis V
Phenotypic variation associated with an anti-phagocytic factor in the bacterial fish pathogen Enterococcus seriolicida
DAO 25:81-86 | Full text in pdf format

Richards DT, Hoole D, Lewis JW, Ewens E, Arme C
Stimulation of carp Cyprinus carpio lymphocytes in vitro by the blood fluke Sanguinicola inermis (Trematoda:Sanguinicolidae)
DAO 25:87-93 | Full text in pdf format

Dethlefsen V, Lang T, Damm U
X-cell disease of cod Gadus morhua from the North Sea and Icelandic waters
DAO 25:95-106 | Full text in pdf format

Mellergaard S, Nielsen E
Epidemiology of X-cell gill disease in common dab Limanda limanda
DAO 25:107-116 | Full text in pdf format

Loy JK, Frelier PF, Varner P, Templeton JW
Detection of the etiologic agent of necrotizing hepatopancreatitis in cultured Penaeus vannamei from Texas and Peru by polymerase chain reaction
DAO 25:117-122 | Full text in pdf format

Wang SY, Hong C, Lotz JM
Development of a PCR procedure for the detection of Baculovirus penaei in shrimp
DAO 25:123-131 | Full text in pdf format

Lo CF, Leu JH, Ho CH, Chen CH, Peng SE, Chen YT, Chou CM, Yeh PY, Huang CJ, Chou HY, Wang CH, Kou GH
Detection of baculovirus associated with white spot syndrome (WSBV) in penaeid shrimps using polymerase chain reaction
DAO 25:133-141 | Full text in pdf format

Jones JB, Scotti PD, Dearing SC, Wesney B
Virus-like particles associated with marine mussel mortalities in New Zealand
DAO 25:143-149 | Full text in pdf format

Paperna I, Kim SH, Hammerschlag E
Liver lesions in cultured Oreochromis hybrids caused by amoeboid organisms similar to the aetiological agent of goldfish kidney granuloma
DAO 25:151-153 | Full text in pdf format

Chu FLE, Burreson EM, Zhang F, Chew KK
An unidentified haplosporidian parasite of bay scallop Argopecten irradians cultured in the Shandong and Liaoning provinces of China
DAO 25:155-158 | Full text in pdf format