Inter-Research > DAO > v30 > n1 > p11-16  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO 30:11-16 (1997)  -  doi:10.3354/dao030011

Infections by Kudoa ciliatae (Myxozoa: Myxosporea) in Indo-Pacific whiting Sillago spp.

Hallett SL, O'Donoghue PJ, Lester RJG

Infections by Kudoa ciliatae Lom, Rohde & Dyková, 1992 were detected in 141 (32%) of 444 Indo-Pacific whiting Sillago spp. caught in Moreton Bay, Australia. The parasite was detected in the type host, S. ciliata (in 14% of 73 fish), and from 2 new hosts, S. maculata (46% of 264) and S. analis (9% of 107). Prevalence of infection in S. maculata was greatest in autumn (100%) and lowest in spring (10%), the seasonal differences being positively correlated to host size (more prevalent in larger fish caught in autumn). Intensity of infection ranged from 1 to 45 cysts per fish (mean 7.6) and the cysts measured up to 2.5 mm in length. Most cysts were located on the serosal surface of the intestinal tract extending into the circular smooth muscle layer. The majority were found in the distal third of the intestine, often in groups of 2 to 5 cysts. Parasites were also found for the first time in the pyloric caeca, intestinal mesentery and liver. Calcified cysts were occasionally detected in S. ciliata and S. analis.

Myxozoa · Kudoa ciliatae · Whiting · Sillago spp. · Prevalence · Morphology

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