Falk K, Namork E, Dannevig BH
Characterization and applications of a monoclonal antibody against infectious salmon anaemia virus
DAO 34:77-85 | Full text in pdf format
Nunan LM, Poulos BT, Lightner DV
Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) used for the detection of Taura Syndrome Virus (TSV) in experimentally infected shrimp
DAO 34:87-91 | Full text in pdf format
Cheng W, Chen JC
Isolation and characterization of an Enterococcus-like bacterium causing muscle necrosis and mortality with Macrobrachium rosenbergii in Taiwan
DAO 34:93-101 | Full text in pdf format
Cheng W, Chen JC
Enterococcus-like infections in Macrobrachium rosenbergii are exacerbated by high pH and temperature but reduced by low salinity
DAO 34:103-108 | Full text in pdf format
Rahimian H
Pathology and morphology of Ichthyophonus hoferi in naturally infected fishes off the Swedish west coast
DAO 34:109-123 | Full text in pdf format
Cobb CS, Levy MG, Noga EJ
Acquired immunity to amyloodiniosis is associated with an antibody response
DAO 34:125-133 | Full text in pdf format
Berthe FCJ, Pernas M, Zerabib M, Haffner P, Thébault A, Figueras AJ
Experimental transmission of Marteilia refringens with special consideration of its life cycle
DAO 34:135-144 | Full text in pdf format
Andree KB, MacConnell E, Hedrick RP
A nested polymerase chain reaction for the detection of genomic DNA of Myxobolus cerebralis in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss
DAO 34:145-154 | Full text in pdf format
Beregi A, Molnár K, Békési L, Székely Cs
Radiodiagnostic method for studying swimbladder inflammation caused by Anguillicola crassus (Nematoda:Dracunculoidea)
DAO 34:155-160 | Full text in pdf format