ABSTRACT: Considering the economic importance of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas to the French shellfish industry, the appearance of major diseases in this species could cause dramatic decreases in production. Suminoe oysters, of the non-indigenous species Crassostrea rivularis (Gould), were introduced into France to test their ability to adapt to local conditions. These oysters were imported after careful examination, and were maintained in laboratory quarantine. Some mortalities occurred 7 mo after importation. Histological and electron microscope examinations of 9 dead specimens revealed a parasite presumed to be a Bonamia-like protozoan. This is the first report concerning a parasite of the genus Bonamia in a species belonging to the genus Crassostrea. Thus, C. rivularis is not considered to be a suitable substitute for C. gigas in France.
KEY WORDS: Crassostrea rivularis · Suminoe oyster · Bonamiosis · Bonamia-like parasite
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