Inter-Research > DAO > v36 > n2 > p113-119  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO 36:113-119 (1999)  -  doi:10.3354/dao036113

Aspects of the epizootiology of pancreas disease in farmed Atlantic salmon Salmo salar in Ireland

T. Crockford1,*, F. D. Menzies2, M. F. McLoughlin2, S. B. Wheatley1, E. A. Goodall3

1The Queen's University of Belfast, Department of Veterinary Sciences, Veterinary Sciences Division, Stoney Road, Belfast BT4 3SD, Northern Ireland, UK
2Department of Agriculture for Northern Ireland, Veterinary Sciences Division, Stoney Road, Belfast BT4 3SD, Northern Ireland, UK
3Biometrics Division, Agriculture and Food Science Centre, Newforge Lane, Belfast BT9 5PX, Northern Ireland, UK

ABSTRACT: A computerised database containing information on over 17.8 million salmon contained within 49 separate marine populations was used to study the epidemiology of pancreas disease (PD) in Ireland. Of the 43 recorded PD outbreaks, 57% occurred in the 3 mo period August to October inclusive (17 to 32 wk post-transfer). Analysis of variance of mortality rates during PD outbreaks occurring on 6 marine sites over a 5 yr period showed that mortality rates vary significantly between sites (p < 0.001) but not between years over this time period. The mortality rate during PD outbreaks ranged from 0.1 to 63%. Mortality rates were significantly higher when PD outbreaks occurred earlier in the year (y = -1.28x + 59, SE of b 0.33). The mean length of a PD outbreak was 112 d (SE = 7.7, n = 37). There was no correlation between PD mortality rate and smolt input weight, initial stocking density and transfer mortality.

KEY WORDS: Atlantic salmon · Pancreas disease · Epidemiology · Disease management

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