Inter-Research > DAO > v40 > n1  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO - Vol. 40, No. 1 - Table of contents

DAO - Vol. 40, No. 1 - Table of contents

Dis Aquat Org (Print ISSN:0177-5103; Online ISSN:1616-1580)
Copyright © 2000 Inter-Research
Published February 24

All abstracts and full article pdfs in this issue are available to all users, compliments of Inter-Research.


Trobridge GD, LaPatra SE, Kim CH, Leong JC
Mx mRNA expression and RFLP analysis of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss genetic crosses selected for susceptibility or resistance to IHNV
DAO 40:1-7 | Full text in pdf format

Devold M, Krossøy B, Aspehaug V, Nylund A
Use of RT-PCR for diagnosis of infectious salmon anaemia virus (ISAV) in carrier sea trout Salmo trutta after experimental infection
DAO 40:9-18 | Full text in pdf format

Villoing S, Castric J, Jeffroy J, Le Ven A, Thiery R, Bremont M
An rt-pcr-based method for the diagnosis of the sleeping disease virus in experimentally and naturally infected salmonids
DAO 40:19-27 | Full text in pdf format

Kim KH, Hwang YJ, Cho JB, Park SI
Immunization of cultured juvenile rockfish Sebastes schlegeli against Microcotyle sebastis (Monogenea)
DAO 40:29-32 | Full text in pdf format

Özer A, Wootten R
The life cycle of Sphaerospora truttae (Myxozoa:Myxosporea) and some features of the biology of both the actinosporean and myxosporean stages
DAO 40:33-39 | Full text in pdf format

Kobayashi T, Goto K, Miyazaki T
Pathological changes caused by cold-water stress in Japanese eel Anguilla japonica
DAO 40:41-50 | Full text in pdf format

Bodammer JE
Some new observations on the cytopathology of fin erosion disease in winter flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanus
DAO 40:51-65 | Full text in pdf format

Hine PM, Thorne T
A survey of some parasites and diseases of several species of bivalve mollusc in northern Western Australia
DAO 40:67-78 | Full text in pdf format


Goggin CL, Murphy NE
Conservation of sequence in the internal transcribed spacers and 5.8S ribosomal RNA among geographically separated isolates of parasitic scuticociliates (Ciliophora, Orchitophryidae)
DAO 40:79-83 | Full text in pdf format