Inter-Research > DAO > v53 > n3 > p267-269  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO 53:267-269 (2003)  -  doi:10.3354/dao053267

Occurrence of Philometra lateolabracis (Nematoda: Philometridae) in the gonads of marine perciform fishes in the Mediterranean region

František Moravec1,*, Branko Glamuzina2, Giovanna Marino3, Paolo Merella4, David Di Cave5

1Institute of Parasitology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Branisovská 31, 370 05 Ceské Budejovice, Czech Republic
2Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, POB 83, 20 000 Dubrovnik, Croatia
3Istituto Centrale per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica Applicata al Mare (ICRAM), Via di Casalotti 300, 00166 Rome, Italy
4Dipartimento di Biologia Animale, Università di Sassari, Via Vienna 2, 07100 Sassari, Italy
5Dipartimento di Sanità Pubblica e Biologia Cellulare, Università degli Studi di Roma 'Tor Vergata', Via Montpellier 1, 00173 Rome, Italy

ABSTRACT: Gravid females of the nematode Philometra lateolabracis (Yamaguti, 1935), a parasite of gonads of marine perciform fishes, were found in wild and cultured dusky grouper Epinephelus marginatus (Lowe) from waters near the Balear Islands (Spain, Mediterranean Sea) and Sicily (Italy, Thyrrenean Sea), and in the greater amberjack Seriola dumerili (Risso) in Croatia (south-eastern Adriatic Sea). In wild E. marginatus in Spain, the overall prevalence was 21% and the intensity of infection 1 nematode per fish. The nematodes are briefly described and illustrated. The species Sanguinofilaria jordanoi López-Neyra, 1951, described from the ovary of Epinephelus gigas Brünich from Morocco, is synonymized with P. lateolabracis. This is the first documented record of P. lateolabracis from fishes of the Mediterranean region and its finding in S. dumerili represents a new host record. The possible importance of this pathogenic parasite for cultures of marine perciform fishes in the region is stressed.

KEY WORDS: Parasitic nematode · Philometra lateolabracis · Tissue parasite · Marine fish · Epinephelus marginatus · Seriola dumerili · Mediterranean region · Spain · Italy · Croatia

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