ABSTRACT: Fall Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha were fed practical diets medicated with azithromycin (30 mg kg1 fish for 14 d) or erythromycin (100 mg kg1 fish for 28 d) either 1, 2, or 3 times beginning 14 d after initiation of exogenous feeding (February) and ending at smoltification (June). Average tissue concentrations of azithromycin increased from 19.0 µg g1 in fry to 44.9 µg g1 in smolts, and persisted in the tissues >76 d after treatment ceased. Tissue concentrations of erythromycin were comparatively low, ranging from 0.2 µg g1 in fry to 10.4 µg g1 in smolts. Erythromycin was not detectable 21 d post-treatment. Neither antibiotic caused histopathologically significant lesions in the trunk kidney or other organ tissues. The high tissue concentrations and prolonged retention of azithromycin in Chinook may be factors that increase the efficacy of the antibiotic against Renibacterium salmoninarum, compared with erythromycin, particularly in early life history stages before covertly infected fish show clinical signs of disease.
KEY WORDS: Macrolide pharmacokinetics · Bacterial kidney disease · Juvenile · Chinook salmon
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