Inter-Research > DAO > v81 > n1 > p73-76  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO 81:73-76 (2008)  -  DOI:

Contribution to the DAO Special 'Marine vertebrate zoonoses'

Herpes simplex-like infection in a bottlenose dolphin stranded in the Canary Islands

F. Esperón1,*, A. Fernández2, J. M. Sánchez-Vizcaíno3

1Animal Health Research Centre (CISA-INIA), Ctra Algete a El Casar s/n, Madrid, Spain
2Institute for Animal Health, Veterinary School, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, Canary Islands
3Department of Animal Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UCM Madrid, Avda Puerta de Hierro s/n, Madrid

ABSTRACT: A bottlenose dolphin, stranded in the Canary Islands in 2001 exhibited non-suppurative encephalitis. No molecular detection of cetacean morbillivirus (CeMV) was found, but a herpesviral-specific band of 250 bp was detected in the lung and brain. The sequenced herpesviral PCR product was compared with GenBank sequences, obtaining 98% homology (p-distance of 0.02) with Human herpesvirus 1 (herpes simplex virus 1 or HSV-1). This is the first report of a herpes simplex-like infection in a stranded dolphin.

KEY WORDS: Bottlenose dolphin · Herpesvirus · Herpes simplex virus · Infectious diseases · Zoonosis

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Cite this article as: Esperón F, Fernández A, Sánchez-Vizcaíno JM (2008) Herpes simplex-like infection in a bottlenose dolphin stranded in the Canary Islands. Dis Aquat Org 81:73-76.

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