Inter-Research > DAO > v82 > n1 > p79-87  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO 82:79-87 (2008)  -  DOI:

Detection of Marteilia refringens using nested PCR and in situ hybridisation in Chamelea gallina from the Balearic Islands (Spain)

Inmaculada López-Flores1,*, Francisca Robles2, José M. Valencia3, Amalia Grau3, Antonio Villalba4, Roberto de la Herrán2, Manuel A. Garrido-Ramos2, Carmelo Ruiz-Rejón2, Manuel Ruiz-Rejón2, José I. Navas1

1IFAPA Centro Agua del Pino, Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa, Junta de Andalucía, Carretera Cartaya-Punta Umbría, 21459 Huelva, Spain
2Departamento de Genética, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Granada, 18071 Granada, Spain
3Estación de Acuicultura, D.G. Pesca, Govern Balear, Port d’Andratx, 07158 Palma de Mallorca, Spain
4Centro de Investigacións Mariñas, Consellería de Pesca e Asuntos Marítimos, Xunta de Galicia,
36620 Vilanova de Arousa, Spain

ABSTRACT: In the course of a histopathological survey performed to discover the cause of mass mortality of the striped clam Chamelea gallina in the Balearic Islands (Spain, Mediterranean Sea), we detected a Marteilia-like parasite in 3 clams. Molecular methods were applied to identify the parasite. DNA extracted from a paraffin block was used to carry out a PCR assay for Marteilia refringens detection based on a rDNA sequence of the parasite (the intergenic spacer of ribosomal genes, IGS). The nucleotide sequence of the IGS amplified fragment and the positive signal obtained by in situ hybridisation analysis with a M. refringens-specific probe allowed us to confirm the presence of this parasite in the digestive gland tissue of C. gallina.

KEY WORDS: Marteilia refringens · Molecular diagnosis · rDNA · Intergenic spacer · IGS · Chamelea gallina

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Cite this article as: López-Flores I, Robles F, Valencia JM, Grau A and others (2008) Detection of Marteilia refringens using nested PCR and in situ hybridisation in Chamelea gallina from the Balearic Islands (Spain). Dis Aquat Org 82:79-87.

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