Inter-Research > DAO > v85 > n3 > p181-186  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO 85:181-186 (2009)  -  DOI:

Historical presence (1975–1985) of mycobacteriosis in Chesapeake Bay striped bass Morone saxatilis

John M. Jacobs1,*, Dorothy W. Howard1, Matt R. Rhodes1, Martin W. Newman1, Eric B. May2, Reginal M. Harrell3

1NOAA/NOS/CCEHBR/Cooperative Oxford Lab, Oxford, Maryland 21654, USA
2University of Maryland, Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, Maryland 21853, USA
3University of Maryland, Department of Environmental Sciences and Technology, College Park, Maryland 20742, USA

ABSTRACT: A retrospective analysis of archived tissue blocks has revealed that mycobacteriosis was apparent in Chesapeake Bay striped bass as early as 1984. Of 37 cases available from the years 1975 to 1985, 2 fish were found positive based on histopathology and genus-specific PCR. Multi-gene sequencing places the bacteria from the 2 positive cases (1984 and 1985) within the Mycobacterium tuberculosis clade with closest resemblance to the recently described fish pathogen M. pseudoshottsii. Our data confirms that mycobacteriosis is not a new disease of Chesapeake Bay striped bass and underscores the value of archived tissues in epidemiological examinations.

KEY WORDS: Mycobacteriosis · Striped bass · PCR · Paraffin-embedded tissues

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Cite this article as: Jacobs JM, Howard DW, Rhodes MR, Newman MW, May EB, Harrell RM (2009) Historical presence (1975–1985) of mycobacteriosis in Chesapeake Bay striped bass Morone saxatilis. Dis Aquat Org 85:181-186.

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