Inter-Research > DAO > v91 > n2 > p167-175  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO 91:167-175 (2010)  -  DOI:

Words matter: recommendations for clarifying coral disease nomenclature and terminology

C. S. Rogers*

US Geological Survey, Caribbean Field Station, St. John, US Virgin Islands 00830, USA

ABSTRACT: Coral diseases have caused significant losses on Caribbean reefs and are becoming a greater concern in the Pacific. Progress in coral disease research requires collaboration and communication among experts from many different disciplines. The lack of consistency in the use of terms and names in the recent scientific literature reflects the absence of an authority for naming coral diseases, a lack of consensus on the meaning of even some of the most basic terms as they apply to corals, and imprecision in the use of descriptive words. The lack of consensus partly reflects the complexity of this newly emerging field of research. Establishment of a nomenclature committee under the Coral Disease and Health Consortium (CDHC) could lead to more standardized definitions and could promote use of appropriate medical terminology for describing and communicating disease conditions in corals. This committee could also help to define disease terminology unique to corals where existing medical terminology is not applicable. These efforts will help scientists communicate with one another and with the general public more effectively. Scientists can immediately begin to reduce some of the confusion simply by explicitly defining the words they are using. In addition, digital photographs can be posted on the CDHC website and included in publications to document the macroscopic (gross) signs of the conditions observed on coral colonies along with precisely written characterizations and descriptions.

KEY WORDS: Coral · Disease · Syndrome · Nomenclature

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Cite this article as: Rogers CS (2010) Words matter: recommendations for clarifying coral disease nomenclature and terminology. Dis Aquat Org 91:167-175.

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