Inter-Research > DAO > v94 > n2 > p135-142  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO 94:135-142 (2011)  -  DOI:

Identification of differentially expressed genes in parasitic phase Miamiensis avidus (Ciliophora: Scuticociliatia) using suppression subtractive hybridization

Eun Hye Lee, Ki Hong Kim*

Department of Aquatic Life Medicine, Pukyong National University, Busan 608-737, South Korea
*Corresponding author. Email:

ABSTRACT: Miamiensis avidus, a causative agent of scuticociliatosis in cultured marine fish, can live not only in seawater as a free-living organism but also in fish as a parasite. In this study, a cDNA library of representative mRNAs more specific to parasitic phase M. avidus was generated using suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH), and 520 clones selected from the SSH library were single-run sequenced. The differential gene expression patterns were confirmed by semi-quantitative reverse-transcription PCR. Of the 510 SSH clones, 21 clones of 6 putative genes did not match sequences in the public database. The expectation values (E-values) of 117 clones encoding 9 putative genes were greater than 1 × 10–5. The other 372 clones that met the criterion of E value <1 × 10–5 were matched to 26 known sequences in the database. Genes associated with signal transduction, cell proliferation, membrane transportation, protein translocation, and transcription regulation were preferentially expressed in parasitic phase M. avidus. The differential gene expression may be needed for the ciliates to survive in the host fish, and the corresponding proteins might be used as antigen candidates for development of scuticociliatosis vaccines.

KEY WORDS: Miamiensis avidus · Cultured · Parasitic phase ciliates · Suppression subtractive hybridization · Antigen candidates

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Cite this article as: Lee EH, Kim KH (2011) Identification of differentially expressed genes in parasitic phase Miamiensis avidus (Ciliophora: Scuticociliatia) using suppression subtractive hybridization. Dis Aquat Org 94:135-142.

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