Inter-Research > DAO > v98 > n3 > p193-199  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO 98:193-199 (2012)  -  DOI:

Feeding hermit crabs to shrimp broodstock increases their risk of WSSV infection

Yun-Shiang Chang1, Wang-Jing Liu2, Tsan-Chi Chen2, Tin-Yam Chan3, Kuan-Fu Liu4, Jie-Cheng Chuang5, Guang-Hsiung Kou2, Chu-Fang Lo2, Han-Ching Wang6,*

1Department of Molecular Biotechnology, Da-Yeh University, Changhua 515, Taiwan
2Institute of Zoology, National Taiwan University, Taipei 106, Taiwan
3Institute of Marine Biology, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung 202, Taiwan
4Tungkang Biotechnology Research Center, Fisheries Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Pingtung 928, Taiwan
5Uni President Vietnam Co., Ltd., Song Than 2 Industrial Zone Di An, Binh Duong 0084, Vietnam
6Institute of Biotechnology, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 701, Taiwan

ABSTRACT: White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is a serious shrimp pathogen that has spread globally to all major shrimp farming areas, causing enormous economic losses. Here we investigate the role of hermit crabs in transmitting WSSV to Penaeus monodon brooders used in hatcheries in Vietnam. WSSV-free brooders became PCR-positive for WSSV within 2 to 14 d, and the source of infection was traced to hermit crabs being used as live feed. Challenging hermit crabs with WSSV confirmed their susceptibility to infection, but they remained tolerant to disease even at virus loads equivalent to those causing acute disease in shrimp. As PCR screening also suggests that WSSV infection occurs commonly in hermit crab populations in both Vietnam and Taiwan, their use as live feed for shrimp brooders is not recommended.

KEY WORDS: White spot syndrome virus · Hermit crab · Feed organism · Penaeus monodon · Shrimp brooder

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Cite this article as: Chang YS, Liu WJ, Chen TC, Chan TY and others (2012) Feeding hermit crabs to shrimp broodstock increases their risk of WSSV infection. Dis Aquat Org 98:193-199.

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