Ryerson WN
Vallentyne was right: achieving sustainability requires accounting for all relevant factors
ESEP 12:5-13 | Full text in pdf format
Mata FJ, Onisto LJ, Vallentyne JR
Consumption: the other side of population for development
ESEP 12:15-20 | Full text in pdf format
Hurlbert SH
Tribute to an ‘obnoxious’ ecocatalytical demotechnician: Jack Vallentyne on population
ESEP 12:21-34 | Full text in pdf format
Hasselberg Y
Demand or discretion? The market model applied to science and its core values and institutions
ESEP 12:35-51 | Full text in pdf format
Weld M
Deconstructing the dangerous dogma of denial: the feminist-environmental justice movement and its flight from overpopulation
ESEP 12:53-58 | Full text in pdf format
Hull D
COMMENT: Overpopulated and impoverished nations: Can and should the West intervene and if so how? A Comment on Weld 2012
ESEP 12:59-61 | Full text in pdf format