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Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics

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ESEP - Vol. 14, No. 1 - Table of contents

ESEP - Vol. 14, No. 1 - Table of contents

Ethics Sci Environ Polit (Print ISSN: 1863-5415; Online ISSN: 1611-8014)
Copyright © 2014 Inter-Research. Published October 27

Articles marked by are freely available to all users.


The ethics of human impacts and the future of the earth’s ecosystems

Idea: K.I. Stergiou
Editors: D. Pauly and K.I. Stergiou

An important contribution of the International Ecology Institute (ECI) to science is the publication of the Excellence in Ecology book series authored by the ECI Prize laureates. The ECI prize is awarded to ecologists who are distinguished by outstanding and sustained scientific achievement, and are therefore some of the most important marine, terrestrial and limnetic ecologists of our time. In each book, the author is encouraged to present personal insights, freely criticize, and to formulate new scientific concepts. In this Theme Section (TS), a selection of these authors present their thoughts on the ethics of our impact on, and the future of, the earth's ecosystems, each contributing an essay from their own field of specialization. The TS covers a wide range of issues from allergic sensitization and microbe diversity to the capacity of our planet to support humans.

Pauly D, Stergiou KI
The ethics of human impacts and the future of the earth’s ecosystems: Introduction
ESEP 14:1-5 | Full text in pdf format

Pauly D
AS I SEE IT: Homo sapiens: cancer or parasite?
ESEP 14:7-10 | Full text in pdf format

Ehrlich PR
AS I SEE IT: Human impact: the ethics of I=PAT
ESEP 14:11-18 | Full text in pdf format

Hanski I
AS I SEE IT: Biodiversity, microbes and human well-being
ESEP 14:19-25 | Full text in pdf format

Loreau M
AS I SEE IT: Reconciling utilitarian and non-utilitarian approaches to biodiversity conservation
ESEP 14:27-32 | Full text in pdf format

Reynolds CS
AS I SEE IT: On the planetary capacity to sustain human populations
ESEP 14:33-41 | Full text in pdf format