Inter-Research > ESEP > v22  
Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics

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ESEP - Vol. 22 - Table of contents

ESEP - Vol. 22 - Table of contents

Ethics Sci Environ Polit (Print ISSN: 1863-5415; Online ISSN: 1611-8014)
Copyright © 2022 Inter-Research.
Articles marked by are freely available to all users.
Naidu L, Moorthy R
Ethics and risks in sustainable civilian nuclear energy development in Vietnam
ESEP 22:1-12 | Full text in pdf format

Eterović I, Buterin T
REVIEW: Bioethical analysis of sanitary engineering: a critical assessment of the profession at the crossroads of environmental and public health ethics
ESEP 22:13-24 | Full text in pdf format

Droz L
REVIEW: Anthropocentrism as the scapegoat of the environmental crisis: a review
ESEP 22:25-49 | Full text in pdf format

Silva HM
OPINION PIECE: Information and misinformation about climate change: lessons from Brazil
ESEP 22:51-56 | Full text in pdf format

Serkina Y, Novikova Z, Sukhorukih A
Digitalization processes vs. traditional ones: ethical and environmental aspects
ESEP 22:57-67 | Full text in pdf format

Humphreys R, Chakraborty R, Varghese N
Ethics, zoonoses, and human-nonhuman conflict: Covid-19 and beyond
ESEP 22:69-74 | Full text in pdf format