Inter-Research > ESEP > v22 > p57-67  
Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics

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ESEP 22:57-67 (2022)  -  DOI:

Digitalization processes vs. traditional ones: ethical and environmental aspects

Yana Serkina1*, Zoya Novikova2, Alexey Sukhorukih2

1Department of Management and Marketing, Belgorod State National Research University, str. Pobedy, 85, 308015 Belgorod, Russian Federation
2Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov, str. Timiryazev, 8, 394036 Voronezh, Russian Federation
*Corresponding author:

ABSTRACT: At the current level of economic development, the digital transformation of society is an important factor in advancing any social structure. The purpose of the present study was to explore the transformation of a traditional society into a digital one, with a focus on ethical and environmental aspects. The study draws on a variety of information analysis methods to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of digitalization, including the environmental aspect. Our research revealed that in Russia, the only highly digitalized sectors were information technology and finance. Digitalization is strikingly different in the European countries, where only transport and building industries slowly implemented digital technologies into their business processes. We also examined digitalization levels in 7 Moscow universities. The universities managed to improve their digitalization scores with the help of recommendations developed for online learning, such as selection of quality software, having qualified teaching staff, constant monitoring, and evaluation of knowledge. The findings can be used in economic, social, and environmental spheres since they highlight the ambiguous effects of digitalization using practical examples.

KEY WORDS: Information · Ethical principles · Public awareness · Online platforms · SWOT analysis

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Cite this article as: Serkina Y, Novikova Z, Sukhorukih A (2022) Digitalization processes vs. traditional ones: ethical and environmental aspects. Ethics Sci Environ Polit 22:57-67.

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