Inter-Research > ESEP > v23 > p35-43  
Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics

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ESEP 23:35-43 (2023)  -  DOI:

The role of ’Thoughtful Intelligence’ in climate statesmanship

Musarrat Jabeen*

Faculty of Contemporary Studies, National Defense University, 44000 Islamabad, Pakistan
*Corresponding author:

ABSTRACT: This paper explores the theory of ‘Thoughtful Intelligence’. This theory proposes that the capacity to realize the impact of one’s statements and actions on the continued existence, dignity, and development of other people and nations is ‘Thoughtful Intelligence’. I show that the 4 unique thoughtful features (self point of reference, human point of reference, nature point of reference, and creator point of reference) result in a ‘Thoughtful’ leadership role. Applying this to climate change management enables one to characterize and visualize the forthcoming flow of Thoughtful Intelligence. A Delphi-focused method helped identify 7 dynamics of thoughtful climate statesmanship, including carbon neutrality, offsetting carbon in neighboring countries, fighting climate change, integrity of social well-being, preserving environment and culture, caring use of limited resources, and gross national happiness. A Delphi-exploratory method was used to clarify thoughtful climate statesmanship. The consensual 95% results documented that the best thoughtful climate statesmanship belonged to Bhutan. The documentation of thoughtful climate statesmanship is strengthening the literature on statesmanship. Summit leaders, scientists, and people in business globally can benefit from this study.

KEY WORDS: Climate change · Thoughtful Intelligence theory · Thoughtful climate statesmanship · Gross national happiness · GNH

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Cite this article as: Jabeen M (2023) The role of ’Thoughtful Intelligence’ in climate statesmanship. Ethics Sci Environ Polit 23:35-43.

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