Inter-Research > ESR > v10 > p21-27  
Endangered Species Research

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ESR 10:21-27 (2009)  -  DOI:

Diving into the world of biologging

Yan Ropert-Coudert1,*, Michael Beaulieu1, Nicolas Hanuise1,2, Akiko Kato1

1Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien, Departement Ecologie, Physiologie and Ethologie, 23 rue Becquerel, 67087 Strasbourg Cedex, France
2Centre d’Etudes Biologiques de Chizé, Villiers-en-Bois, 79360 Beauvoir-sur-Niort, France

ABSTRACT: On the occasion of the publication of the proceedings of the Third International Biologging Science Symposium, we present a summary of the incidence of biologging in studies of animal behaviour. Studies investigating diving activity were used as a proxy to examine the use of a biologging technology. Specifically, studies referenced in the Penguiness Book, an internet-based diving database, were used to examine: (1) on which taxa of diving animals biologging is principally used; (2) which countries are the principal users and producers of biologging technology; and (3) the incidence of this approach in peer-reviewed publications. Each of these items is discussed in the light of the intrinsic limitations of biologging approaches.

KEY WORDS: Retrospective study · Diving activity · Manufacturers · Publications · IUCN

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Cite this article as: Ropert-Coudert Y, Beaulieu M, Hanuise N, Kato A (2009) Diving into the world of biologging. Endang Species Res 10:21-27.

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