Inter-Research > ESR > v19 > n2 > p177-186  
Endangered Species Research

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ESR 19:177-186 (2012)  -  DOI:

Trends in local wildlife hunting, trade and control in the Tropical Andes Biodiversity Hotspot, northeastern Peru

Noga Shanee*

Neotropical Primate Conservation, 23 Portland Road, Stretford, Manchester M320PH, UK

ABSTRACT: The Amazonas and San Martin regions in northeastern Peru compose a central part of the Tropical Andes Biodiversity Hotspot, considered one of the highest conservation priorities worldwide. Many of the area’s species have been identified as requiring urgent conservation measures by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species and International Primatological Society, as well as being protected under Peruvian law. In this study I present data about wildlife traffic and local wildlife use in Amazonas and San Martin, collected between April 2007 and December 2011. I highlight the trends in, and causes of, illegal trade. I examine the limitations on, and opportunities for, the authorities controlling these practices in the context of national and international pressures and the process of governmental decentralization. The most hunted orders were Psittaciformes (n = 1497) and Primates (n = 279). Animals were mainly found in the hands of traffickers (57%), usually on the way from the neighbouring region of Loreto to the coast. Endangered species were mainly kept as tourist attractions in recreation centres, hotels, or restaurants. Wildlife authorities suffer from a severe lack of specialized personnel, resources and rescue centres, and an often contradictory and inadequate legal framework. I also found a great difference in operation and efficiency between the 2 regions, suggesting that local and regional politics, rather than international pressures and agreements, influence control of species extraction, making fauna in San Martin and Amazonas vulnerable to frequent political changes.

KEY WORDS: Wildlife traffic · Hunting · Wildlife use · Endangered species · Oreonax flavicauda · Calicebus oenanthe · Aotus miconax

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Cite this article as: Shanee N (2012) Trends in local wildlife hunting, trade and control in the Tropical Andes Biodiversity Hotspot, northeastern Peru. Endang Species Res 19:177-186.

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