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Endangered Species Research

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ESR - Vol. 20, No. 2 - Table of contents

ESR - Vol. 20, No. 2 - Table of contents

Endang Species Res (Print ISSN: 1863-5407; Online ISSN: 1613-4796)
Copyright © 2013 Inter-Research.

All articles are freely available to all users ('Free Access').
Henderson SD, Dawson SM, Rayment W, Currey RJC
Are the ‘resident’ dolphins of Doubtful Sound becoming less resident?
ESR 20:99-107 | Full text in pdf format

Magath V, Thiel R
Stock recovery, spawning period and spawning area expansion of the twaite shad Alosa fallax in the Elbe estuary, southern North Sea
ESR 20:109-119 | Full text in pdf format

Slooten E
REVIEW: Effectiveness of area-based management in reducing bycatch of the New Zealand dolphin
ESR 20:121-130 | Full text in pdf format
Theme Section: Techniques for reducing bycatch of marine mammals in gillnets

Alemu JB I, Cazabon-Mannette MNE, Cunningham AA, Dempewolf L, Hailey A, Mannette RP, Naranjit KT, Perkins MW, Schmidt-Roach ACJ
Presence of the chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in a Vulnerable frog in Trinidad, West Indies
ESR 20:131-136 | Full text in pdf format

Cahoon MK, Littnan CL, Longenecker K, Carpenter JR
Dietary comparison of two Hawaiian monk seal populations: the role of diet as a driver of divergent population trends
ESR 20:137-146 | Full text in pdf format

Larsen F, Krog C, Ritzau Eigaard O
Determining optimal pinger spacing for harbour porpoise bycatch mitigation
ESR 20:147-152 | Full text in pdf format
Theme Section: Techniques for reducing bycatch of marine mammals in gillnets

Feck AD, Hamann M
Effect of sea turtle rehabilitation centres in Queensland, Australia, on people’s perceptions of conservation
ESR 20:153-165 | Full text in pdf format

Etiendem DN, Tagg N, Hens L, Pereboom Z
Impact of human activities on Cross River gorilla Gorilla gorilla diehli habitats in the Mawambi Hills, southwest Cameroon
ESR 20:167-179 | Full text in pdf format

Woodruff PE, Taylor EB
Assessing the distinctiveness of the Cultus pygmy sculpin, a threatened endemic, from the widespread coastrange sculpin Cottus aleuticus
ESR 20:181-194 | Full text in pdf format