Inter-Research > ESR > v21 > n3 > p263-272  
Endangered Species Research

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ESR 21:263-272 (2013)  -  DOI:

Tourism, local pride, and attitudes towards the reintroduction of a large predator, the jaguar Panthera onca in Corrientes, Argentina

Flavia Caruso1, Ignacio Jiménez Pérez2,*

1Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales y Agrimensura, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, CP 3400, Corrientes, Argentina
2The Conservation Land Trust Argentina, Scalabrini Ortiz 3355 4ºJ, CP 1425, Buenos Aires, Argentina
*Corresponding author. Email:

ABSTRACT: Few studies have assessed public attitudes in relation to the reintroduction of large felids. We evaluated the knowledge and attitudes of inhabitants of Corrientes province, Argentina, in relation to the proposed reintroduction of jaguars Panthera onca to Iberá Natural Reserve (INR). Corrientes is a traditional society in which cattle ranching shapes much of the geographical landscape and social character. A questionnaire was distributed to a random sample of residents from the provincial capital, 2 towns neighboring INR, and 3 villages inside or adjacent to the reserve. In general, residents showed a much greater positive disposition towards jaguars than actual knowledge about the species. We found a 95% level of support for the return of jaguars, which was independent of the respondents’ gender, age, or location. A small random sample of cattle ranchers also showed significant support for the project. These results were obtained prior to any educational campaigns promoting the reintroduction of jaguars, which suggests that jaguars were already considered a positive symbol in the province. We propose that the jaguar may be acting as a bridge between a proud traditional heritage and an alternative future where ecotourism serves as a route towards economic development. Conservation managers should be aware that this widespread support will probably change once jaguars become present in the local ecosystem and economy.

KEY WORDS: Jaguar · Reintroduction · Attitudes · Knowledge · Stakeholders · Cattle ranching · Iberá · Argentina

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Cite this article as: Caruso F, Jiménez Pérez I (2013) Tourism, local pride, and attitudes towards the reintroduction of a large predator, the jaguar Panthera onca in Corrientes, Argentina. Endang Species Res 21:263-272.

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