Gregr EJ, Baumgartner MF, Laidre KL, Palacios DM
OVERVIEW: Marine mammal habitat models come of age: the emergence of ecological and management relevance
ESR 22:205-212 | Full text in pdf format
Theme Section: Beyond Marine Mammal Habitat Modeling: Applications For Ecology And Conservation
Ryan C, McHugh B, Boyle B, McGovern E, Bérubé M, Lopez-Suárez P, Elfes CT, Boyd DT, Ylitalo GM, Van Blaricom GR, Clapham PJ, Robbins J, Palsbøll PJ, O’Connor I, Berrow SD
Levels of persistent organic pollutants in eastern North Atlantic humpback whales
ESR 22:213-223 | Full text in pdf format
Troy JR, Holmes ND, Veech JA, Green MC
Using observed seabird fallout records to infer patterns of attraction to artificial light
ESR 22:225-234 | Full text in pdf format
Goodman Hall A, Braun McNeill J, Conn PB, Davenport E, Hohn AA
Seasonal co-occurrence of sea turtles, bottlenose dolphins, and commercial gill nets in southern Pamlico and northern Core Sounds, and adjacent coastal waters of North Carolina, USA
ESR 22:235-249 | Full text in pdf format
Cairns NA, Stoot LJ, Blouin-Demers G, Cooke SJ
Refinement of bycatch reduction devices to exclude freshwater turtles from commercial fishing nets
ESR 22:251-261 | Full text in pdf format
Pinya S, Pérez-Mellado V
Ageing and growth of the endangered midwife toad Alytes muletensis
ESR 22:263-268 | Full text in pdf format
Munds RA, Ali R, Nijman V, Nekaris KAI, Goossens B
Living together in the night: abundance and habitat use of sympatric and allopatric populations of slow lorises and tarsiers
ESR 22:269-277 | Full text in pdf format
Theme Section: Conservation and ecology of slow lorises