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ESR - Vol. 32 - Table of contents

ESR - Vol. 32 - Table of contents

Endang Species Res (Print ISSN: 1863-5407; Online ISSN: 1613-4796)
Copyright © 2017 Inter-Research.

All articles are Open Access and are freely available to all users.
van der Hoop JM, Nowacek DP, Moore MJ, Triantafyllou MS
Swimming kinematics and efficiency of entangled North Atlantic right whales
ESR 32:1-17 | Full text in pdf format

Pagano AM, Rode KD, Cutting A, Owen MA, Jensen S, Ware JV, Robbins CT, Durner GM, Atwood TC, Obbard ME, Middel KR, Thiemann GW, Williams TM
Using tri-axial accelerometers to identify wild polar bear behaviors
ESR 32:19-33 | Full text in pdf format

Amano M, Kusumoto M, Abe M, Akamatsu T
Long-term effectiveness of pingers on a small population of finless porpoises in Japan
ESR 32:35-40 | Full text in pdf format

Pavanato et al., ESR 31:47-60
ESR 32:41 | Full text in pdf format

Small RJ, Brost B, Hooten M, Castellote M, Mondragon J
Potential for spatial displacement of Cook Inlet beluga whales by anthropogenic noise in critical habitat
ESR 32:43-57 | Full text in pdf format
Theme Section: 21st century paradigms for measuring and managing the effects of anthropogenic ocean noise

Vacquié-Garcia J, Lydersen C, Marques TA, Aars J, Ahonen H, Skern-Mauritzen M, Øien N, Kovacs KM
Late summer distribution and abundance of ice-associated whales in the Norwegian High Arctic
ESR 32:59-70 | Full text in pdf format

Hunt TN, Bejder L, Allen SJ, Rankin RW, Hanf D, Parra GJ
Demographic characteristics of Australian humpback dolphins reveal important habitat toward the southwestern limit of their range
ESR 32:71-88 | Full text in pdf format

Hart KM, Iverson AR, Benscoter AM, Fujisaki I, Cherkiss MS, Pollock C, Lundgren I, Hillis-Starr Z
Resident areas and migrations of female green turtles nesting at Buck Island Reef National Monument, St. Croix, US Virgin Islands
ESR 32:89-101 | Full text in pdf format

Norris TA, Littnan CL, Gulland FMD, Baker JD, Harvey JT
An integrated approach for assessing translocation as an effective conservation tool for Hawaiian monk seals
ESR 32:103-115 | Full text in pdf format

Watson AS, Fitzgerald AL, Damián Baldeón OJ
NOTE: Diet composition and prey selection of Telmatobius macrostomus, the Junín giant frog
ESR 32:117-121 | Full text in pdf format

de Luna AG, Link A, Montes A, Alfonso F, Mendieta L, Di Fiore A
Increased folivory in brown spider monkeys Ateles hybridus living in a fragmented forest in Colombia
ESR 32:123-134 | Full text in pdf format

Henson LH, Songsasen N, Waddell W, Wolf KN, Emmons L, Gonzalez S, Freeman E, Maldonado J
Characterization of genetic variation and basis of inflammatory bowel disease in the Toll-like receptor 5 gene of the red wolf and the maned wolf
ESR 32:135-144 | Full text in pdf format

Beirne C, Pillco-Huarcaya R, Serrano-Rojas SJ, Whitworth A
NOTE: Terrestrial camera traps: essential tool for the detection and future monitoring of the Critically Endangered Sira curassow Pauxi koepckeae
ESR 32:145-152 | Full text in pdf format

Redfern JV, Hatch LT, Caldow C, DeAngelis ML, Gedamke J, Hastings S, Henderson L, McKenna MF, Moore TJ, Porter MB
Assessing the risk of chronic shipping noise to baleen whales off Southern California, USA
ESR 32:153-167 | Full text in pdf format
Theme Section: 21st century paradigms for measuring and managing the effects of anthropogenic ocean noise

Nachtigall PG, Rodrigues-Filho LFS, Sodré DCA, Vallinoto M, Pinhal D
A multiplex PCR approach for the molecular identification and conservation of the Critically Endangered daggernose shark
ESR 32:169-175 | Full text in pdf format

Carlson JK, Pollack AG, Driggers WB III, Castro JI, Brame AB, Lee JL
Revised analyses suggest that the lesser electric ray Narcine bancroftii is not at risk of extinction
ESR 32:177-186 | Full text in pdf format

Stewart DR, Butler MJ, Harris G, Johnson LA, Radke WR
Estimating abundance of endangered fish by eliminating bias from non-constant detectability
ESR 32:187-201 | Full text in pdf format

Groom RA, Griffiths AD, Chaloupka M
Estimating long-term trends in abundance and survival for nesting flatback turtles in Kakadu National Park, Australia
ESR 32:203-211 | Full text in pdf format

Kuhn CE, Chumbley K, Johnson D, Fritz L
A re-examination of the timing of pupping for Steller sea lions Eumetopias jubatus breeding on two islands in Alaska
ESR 32:213-222 | Full text in pdf format

Vaglica V, Sajeva M, McGough HN, Hutchison D, Russo C, Gordon AD, Ramarosandratana AV, Stuppy W, Smith MJ
Monitoring internet trade to inform species conservation actions
ESR 32:223-235 | Full text in pdf format

Pettis HM, Rolland RM, Hamilton PK, Knowlton AR, Burgess EA, Kraus SD
Body condition changes arising from natural factors and fishing gear entanglements in North Atlantic right whales Eubalaena glacialis
ESR 32:237-249 | Full text in pdf format

Chaves JA, Peña M, Valdés-Uribe JA, Muñoz-Pérez JP, Vallejo F, Heidemeyer M, Torres-Carvajal O
Connectivity, population structure, and conservation of Ecuadorian green sea turtles
ESR 32:251-264 | Full text in pdf format

Jabado RW, Al Baharna RA, Al Ali SR, Al Suwaidi KO, Al Blooshi AY, Al Dhaheri SS
Is this the last stand of the Critically Endangered green sawfish Pristis zijsron in the Arabian Gulf?
ESR 32:265-275 | Full text in pdf format
Theme Section: Biology and ecology of sawfishes

White WT, Appleyard SA, Kyne PM, Mana RR
Sawfishes in Papua New Guinea: a preliminary investigation into their status and level of exploitation
ESR 32:277-291 | Full text in pdf format
Theme Section: Biology and ecology of sawfishes

Li Y, Rogers-Bennett L
Evaluating factors affecting restoration of an endangered marine broadcast-spawning invertebrate using an individual-based model of white abalone
ESR 32:293-308 | Full text in pdf format

Chevis MG, Godley BJ, Lewis JP, Jackson Lewis J, Scales KL, Graham RT
Movement patterns of juvenile hawksbill turtles Eretmochelys imbricata at a Caribbean coral atoll: long-term tracking using passive acoustic telemetry
ESR 32:309-319 | Full text in pdf format

Hieb EE, Carmichael RH, Aven A, Nelson-Seely C, Taylor N
Sighting demographics of the West Indian manatee Trichechus manatus in the north-central Gulf of Mexico supported by citizen-sourced data
ESR 32:321-332 | Full text in pdf format

Thums M, Waayers D, Huang Z, Pattiaratchi C, Bernus J, Meekan M
Environmental predictors of foraging and transit behaviour in flatback turtles Natator depressus
ESR 32:333-349 | Full text in pdf format

Lesage V, Omrane A, Doniol-Valcroze T, Mosnier A
Increased proximity of vessels reduces feeding opportunities of blue whales in the St. Lawrence Estuary, Canada
ESR 32:351-361 | Full text in pdf format

Phillips NM, Fearing A, Morgan DL
Genetic bottlenecks in Pristis sawfishes in northern Australian waters
ESR 32:363-372 | Full text in pdf format
Theme Section: Biology and ecology of sawfishes

Nichol LM, Wright BM, O’Hara P, Ford JKB
Risk of lethal vessel strikes to humpback and fin whales off the west coast of Vancouver Island, Canada
ESR 32:373-390 | Full text in pdf format

Forney KA, Southall BL, Slooten E, Dawson S, Read AJ, Baird RW, Brownell RL Jr
Nowhere to go: noise impact assessments for marine mammal populations with high site fidelity
ESR 32:391-413 | Full text in pdf format
Theme Section: 21st century paradigms for measuring and managing the effects of anthropogenic ocean noise

Reinert TR, Spellman AC, Bassett BL
Entanglement in and ingestion of fishing gear and other marine debris by Florida manatees, 1993 to 2012
ESR 32:415-427 | Full text in pdf format

Watson AS, Fitzgerald AL, Damián Baldeón OJ, Elías RK
Habitat characterization, occupancy and detection probability of the Endangered and endemic Junín giant frog Telmatobius macrostomus
ESR 32:429-436 | Full text in pdf format

Gomez C, Lawson J, Kouwenberg AL, Moors-Murphy H, Buren A, Fuentes-Yaco C, Marotte E,
Wiersma YF, Wimmer T

Predicted distribution of whales at risk: identifying priority areas to enhance cetacean monitoring in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean
ESR 32:437-458 | Full text in pdf format

Charrier I, Marchesseau S, Dendrinos P, Tounta E, Karamanlidis AA
Individual signatures in the vocal repertoire of the endangered Mediterranean monk seal: new perspectives for population monitoring
ESR 32:459-470 | Full text in pdf format

Gómez-Ramírez MÁ, Gutiérrez-González CE, López-González CA
Ocelots thrive in a non-typical habitat of northwestern Mexico
ESR 32:471-478 | Full text in pdf format

Filby NE, Christiansen F, Scarpaci C, Stockin KA
Effects of swim-with-dolphin tourism on the behaviour of a threatened species, the Burrunan dolphin Tursiops australis
ESR 32:479-490 | Full text in pdf format

Poulakis GR, Urakawa H, Stevens PW, DeAngelo JA, Timmers AA, Grubbs RD, Fisk AT, Olin JA
Sympatric elasmobranchs and fecal samples provide insight into the trophic ecology of the smalltooth sawfish
ESR 32:491-506 | Full text in pdf format
Theme Section: Biology and ecology of sawfishes

Birnie-Gauvin K, Walton S, Palme CAD, Manouchehri BA, Venne S, Lennox RJ, Chapman JM, Bennett JR, Cooke SJ
OPINION PIECE: Conservation physiology can inform threat assessment and recovery planning processes for threatened species
ESR 32:507-513 | Full text in pdf format

Viquerat S, Herr H
Mid-summer abundance estimates of fin whales Balaenoptera physalus around the South Orkney Islands and Elephant Island
ESR 32:515-524 | Full text in pdf format

Seitz JC, Hoover JJ
NOTE: Taxonomic resolution of sawfish rostra from two private collections
ESR 32:525-532 | Full text in pdf format
Theme Section: Biology and ecology of sawfishes

Soldevilla MS, Hildebrand JA, Frasier KE, Aichinger Dias L, Martinez A, Mullin KD, Rosel PE, Garrison LP
Spatial distribution and dive behavior of Gulf of Mexico Bryde’s whales: potential risk of vessel strikes and fisheries interactions
ESR 32:533-550 | Full text in pdf format

Rosenbaum HC, Kershaw F, Mendez M, Pomilla C, Leslie MS, Findlay KP, Best PB, Collins T, Vely M, Engel MH, Baldwin R, Minton G, Meÿer M, Flórez-González L, Poole MM, Hauser N, Garrigue C, Brasseur M, Bannister J, Anderson M, Olavarría C, Baker CS
First circumglobal assessment of Southern Hemisphere humpback whale mitochondrial genetic variation and implications for management
ESR 32:551-567 | Full text in pdf format