High annual survival suggested by size structure of Kemp’s ridley sea turtles captured by coastal research trawling in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean since 1990
Michael D. Arendt*, R. Pearse Webster, Jeffrey A. Schwenter
*Corresponding author: arendtmd@dnr.sc.gov
July 18, 2022:
Instead of having a starting hatchling (H) quantity of 50 000 (50K) annually as we initially did, in the final analysis we modeled the movement of 5440 annually to the Northwest Atlantic Ocean which is the (integer value) product of 34k with 16% emigration from the Gulf of Mexico to the Northwest Atlantic Ocean.
This oversight does not change the conclusions of our work. All of the data presented in Table 3 are correct. The error is simply in the description of the starting point, not with any of the resulting theoretical neritic assemblage relationships that follow. This oversight affects (1) the methods description in Section 2.4 on p 111 and (2) the reiteration of an incorrect methods description in the Section 3 on p 113 (see below).
Section 2.4, p 111
Original text: Twenty-seven theoretical neritic assemblages (TNAs) were generated in Microsoft (MS) Excel 2016 (Microsoft Corp.) by multiplying fixed annual H abundance (50 K, where K equals thousand) by age 0 (A0) survival to generate abundance (integer), then repeated with age-specific survival rates.
Corrected text: Twenty-seven theoretical neritic assemblages (TNAs) were generated in Microsoft (MS) Excel 2016 (Microsoft Corp.) by multiplying fixed annual H abundance (5440; ~16% of mean 1966 to 1984 H) by age 0 (A0) survival to generate abundance (integer), then repeated with age-specific survival rates.
Section 3, p 113
Original text: Among the 27 TNAs generated with fixed recruitment of 50 K H to the NWA annually, survival schedule 24 produced the most similar NSE (0.90, Table 2) to CTS data (0.90 to 0.91, Table 2).
Corrected text: Among the 27 TNAs generated with fixed recruitment of 5440 H to the NWA annually, survival schedule 24 produced the most similar NSE (0.90, Table 2) to CTS data (0.90 to 0.91, Table 2).