Inter-Research > ESR > v49 > c_p145-158  
Endangered Species Research

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Correction to ESR 49:145-158 (2022) - DOI:

Correction to ESR 48:107-121 (2022) - DOI:

High dietary and habitat diversity indicate generalist behaviors of northern bog lemmings Synaptomys borealis in Alaska, USA


A. P. Baltensperger*, J. C. Hagelin, P. A. Schuette, A. Droghini, K. Ott


*Corresponding author:


November 30, 2022:


Table S4 was added to the Supplement after publication. This table provides museum record numbers and links for the specimens used in the metabarcoding analysis; it is cited in Section 2.1 on p. 147, before the references to Tables S1–S3.


Furthermore, the references to GBIF were cited in the text simply as and were not included in the Literature Cited section. However, GBIF require that all users cite data using unique persistent identifiers (DOI) assigned to every dataset. The citations have thus been amended to ‘ 7 March 2022’ in Section 2.1 on p. 148 and ‘ 11 February 2021’ in Section 4.2 on p. 153 and the references added to the Literature Cited section as below: (11 February 2021) GBIF Occurrence Download (7 March 2022) GBIF Occurrence Download



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